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16 Horn antenna with dielectric lens

This example is available in .../QW-3D/Standard/Antennas/Holen/holen1.QWPro in the QW-Modeller examples directory and can be loaded using File®Open Examples... command from main menu.

General Description
Horn antenna with lens excited with a pulse of spectrum.

Waveguide length is 10 mm and its width and height are respectively 5 mm and 10 mm. The horn length is 20 mm and its width and height are respectively 15 and 20 mm. The thickness of the waveguide's and horn's thickness is 2 mm.
Inside the horn antenna two ridges are placed. The width and height of the ridge in the waveguide section are 1 mm and 1 mm. In the horn section the ridges' height remains unchanged and the width expands to 3 mm. The ridges are placed along the antenna height.
The lens is made of teflon material (εr= 2.2) and its radius and thickness are respectively 15 mm and 7 mm.

Post Processing

Reflection coefficient of the horn antenna with lens.

Radiation pattern of the horn antenna with lens at 20 GHz.

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