10 Use of the QW-BHM with two separate loads rotation
This example is available in .../QW-3D/BHM/Rotation/heat_rota2_xy.QWPro in the QW-Modeller examples directory and can be loaded using File®Open Examples... command from main menu.
General DescriptionMicrowave domestic oven with vertical feed, rectangular shelf, and rectangular food presenting the BHM regime with two separate loads rotation.
GeometryThe oven's inside dimensions are 205 mm, 238 mm, and 228 mm in X, Y, Z directions respectively. Its vertical feeding waveguide dimensions are 12 mm, 70 mm, and 48 mm in X, Y, Z directions respectively. The rectangular shelf dimensions are 178 mm, 214 mm, and 4 mm in X, Y, Z directions respectively. Both foods dimensions are 50 mm, 60 mm, and 24 mm in X, Y, Z directions respectively. The first rotation axis is located at X=-101.5mm and Y=-50mm and the second rotation axis is located at X=-101.5mm and Y=50mm coordinates.
Temperature Distribution
Initial temperature pattern across the load (in -5÷0°C scale) before BHM steps.
Temperature pattern across the loads (in -5÷0°C scale) in consecutive 12 BHM steps.
Temperature evolution in heat_rota2_xy.QWpro.
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