2.11  Ferrite

Ferrite denotes a ferrite medium magnetised with a static z-oriented magnetic field. For this medium type:


Eps = er [dimensionless] – relative electric permittivity,

Mu = mr [dimensionless] – relative magnetic permeability,

Sigma s [S/m] - electric conductivity,


SigmaM sm/(k)4 [W/m] - magnetic loss


are defined as for dielectric isotropic and are directly applied to all three components of permittivity and conductivity, and to z-component of permeability and magnetic loss. Additionally the ferrite model has three parameters describing its gyrotropic behaviour:


alfa [dimensionless] - damping constant,

Ms[T] - saturation magnetisation,


Hi [A/m] - static biasing z-directed magnetic field.


These three parameters are used to obtain effective values of x- and y- components of permeability, magnetic loss, and in-plane coupling. Details about the model and its implementation are discussed in references [90] [104] in User Guide 3D: Bibliography.