2.14 Remarks
There is one general remark concerning lossy dielectrics that should be made at this point. When solving Maxwell equations within lossy dielectrics, we multiply certain terms by a loss scaling factor sf1:
sf1 = 1-0.5*σ*Δt / ε
and we divide certain terms by a loss scaling factor sf2:
sf2 = 1+0.5*σ*Δt / ε
The terms sf1 and sf2 are responsible for attenuation of the fields. Thus for losses to be effectively considered by the FDTD implementation with standard 4 byte floating point arithmetics, losses are taken into account by the FDTD model only if the following condition is obeyed:
sf3 = 0.5*σ*Δt / ε > 1*10-7
Materials where sf3 < 1*10-7 are treated as lossless ones.
In the above relation, σ is conductivity in [S/m], ε is real permittivity in [F/m] and Δt is FDTD time step (which can be checked in Simulation Info window).
The users interested in modelling very small losses have the following options:
Option 1 – recommended
Scale the problem by increasing σ so that relation (3) is obeyed. Note that small losses practically do not change the EM field patterns and dissipated power patterns scale linearly with medium conductivity. Thus if with σ2=100σ1 one obtains dissipated power density P2, then with σ1 dissipated power density at the same point may be safely assumed as P1 = 0.01 P2.
Option 2
Try to apply coarser discretisation in space, causing larger value of FDTD time step Δt.
The dual conditions apply to magnetic losses.