12 Use of the QW-BHM with ports switching
This example is available in .../QW-3D/BHM/Heat/heat_2ports.QWPro in the QW-Modeller examples directory and can be loaded using File®Open Examples... command from main menu.
General Description
Microwave domestic oven with two vertical feeds, rectangular shelf, and rectangular food presenting the BHM regime with ports switching.
After pressing the Ports… button, the user obtains the BHM Excitation Ports Parameters dialogue. Parameters for each port are defined in each step and are the starting parameters for the BHM following step.
The oven’s inside dimensions are 205 mm, 238 mm, 228 mm in X, Y, Z directions respectively. Its vertical feeding waveguides dimensions are 12 mm, 70 mm, 48 mm in X, Y, Z directions respectively. The rectangular shelf dimensions are 178 mm, 214 mm, 4 mm in X, Y, Z directions respectively. The food dimensions are 101 mm, 120 mm, 24 mm in X, Y, Z directions respectively.
Post Processing
Total E field instantaneous distribution - ports parameters switching in consecutive BHM steps.