17.3 One dipole near magnetic wall


This example is available in .../QW-3D/Standard/Antennas/Dipoles/dipm1.QWPro in the QW-Modeller examples directory and can be loaded using File®Open Examples... command from main menu.

General Description

One dipole in a free space with a magnetic symmetry plane perpendicular to X axis. This scenario is equivalent to the one with two dipoles in a free space excited in-phase.


The dipole is placed in a volume of free space with the following side dimensions: 24 mm, 48 mm, and 48 mm in X, Y, and Z direction respectively. The magnetic symmetry plane is placed at x= 24 mm and the dipole is separated from it by a distance of 12 mm. The lower NTF Box wall along X axis coincides with the symmetry plane. The exterior boundaries of the considered volume are absorbing except for the one where the symmetry plane is placed. 

Post Processing


Radiation pattern in Polar chart for one dipole near magnetic wall at 6.25 GHz in View Results window.


Radiation pattern in Polar chart for one dipole near magnetic wall at 12.5 GHz in View Results window.