35 Dielectric waveguide coupler
This example is available in .../QW-3D/Standard/PassiveComponents/Dcoupler/dcoup1.QWPro in the QW-Modeller examples directory and can be loaded using File®Open Examples... command from main menu.
General Description
Dielectric waveguide 3-dB coupler.
The coupler is composed of a cross-junction of dielectric waveguides. In general it may be shielded or unshielded. In the considered case we assume that the box is unshielded above and that there is an electric plane at the bottom of the structure. The cross-junction is made of a dielectric of a relatively low permittivity (εr =2.55). The centre of the junction is cut by a plate inclined at 45° made of a dielectric of higher permittivity (εr =7.0) that serves as a semi-transparent mirror. The coupler is excited by the dominant dielectric waveguide mode from the left.
Post Processing
Results of analysis of S-parameters of the dielectric waveguide coupler in 80-120 GHz band.