3.4     Medium Assignment

Medium can be assigned to the geometrical object:

·       before geometrical object creation

·       during geometrical object creation

·       after geometrical object creation


The active medium can be chosen from Active medium combo box (which contains all media defined in the project) and this medium will be automatically assigned for all geometrical objects created later.


For each new primitive object, which is created using the commands (       ) from Primitives section in the Geometry tab, there is a possibility of assigning medium directly in the creation dialogue:

Medium can be assigned to the existing geometrical object in the Tree View in the following ways:

·       by dragging the geometrical object or objects to the target material

·       by selecting geometrical object or objects and choosing Set Medium command from geometrical object's context menu

·       by selecting geometrical object or objects and choosing Set Medium... command from Data tab in the Property Editor