4.1.2 Sphere
For creating a Sphere press button. The Create Sphere dialogue with default parameters and preview of the sphere solid will appear:
Now let us place the sphere centre in the top right corner of the box. Firstly, select right face of the box by pressing left mouse button on the face (please note that selection method depends on the navigation mode) and press From Pick. The centre of the sphere will be placed in the centre of the picked face and the diameter will be set to the minimum size of the picked face. If Use none option will be selected, then the dimensions of the picked face will not be taken into account. If Use minimum dimension option will be selected, then the minimum dimension of the picked face will be taken into account. If Use maximum dimension option will be selected, then the maximum dimension of the picked face will be taken into account. The X centre position will change to 10mm, Y centre position and Z centre position will change to 5mm.
Now we move the centre of the sphere to the top right corner by setting Y centre and Z centre to 10mm. At the end, we change the medium of the sphere to air by choosing air from the Medium combo box. After pressing OK we will obtain the following picture: