4.3.1    Extrude

Extrude extends selected shape by a specified distance, in a specified direction. The output shape type will vary depending on the input shape type and the options selected.

After clicking  button in the QW-Modeller Ribbon's Geometry tab, an additional dialogue will appear in the Task Panel. This dialogue allows choosing shapes and modifying various extrude parameters.

In most common scenarios, the following lists the expected output shape type from a given input shape type:

·       extruding a vertex (point), will produce a linear edge (line)

·       extruding an open edge (e.g. line, arc), will produce an open face (e.g. plane)

·       extruding a closed edge (e.g. circle), will optionally produce a closed face (e.g. an open ended cylinder) or if the parameter "solid" is "true" will produce a solid (e.g. a closed solid cylinder)

·       extruding a face (e.g. plane), will produce a solid (e.g. cuboid)