5.7     Introducing symmetry plane

This example is available in .../QW-3D/Standard/Various/Wgtocx/wgtocx_sym.QWPro in the QW-Modeller examples directory and can be loaded using File®Open Examples... command from main menu.

The considered waveguide to coaxial line transition structure is symmetrical and thus we can introduce a symmetry plane in the middle of the structure and simulate only half of it what significantly speeds up the calculations. For that purpose, in the Model tab we press the Borders  button. The dialogue Boundary Conditions will appear.

Boundary Conditions dialogue with symmetry at Ymin position.

In the Boundary conditions frame we uncheck the All directions check box and we set Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC) for Ymin position and Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) for the rest.

In the Location frame we specify the location of the symmetry at Ymin position. We press Limits to XYZ and the software sets automatically the project’s boundaries coordinates in the MinMax fields. When we uncheck Objects check box in the Adjust to frame, we can modify MinMax project's coordinates taking into account symmetry plane existance. We change Ymin value to 5.

Now we should modify the ports’ settings so that they take into account the symmetry plane. Please select SourcePort in the Tree View, double click on it or press right mouse buton and select Edit Transmission Line Port from the port context menu.

The Edit Transmission Line Port will appear and we change the port dimension by setting the Ymin coordinate value in the Position frame to 5. In Addition we need to check Symmetry H.

Edit Transmission Line Port dialogue for SourcePort port.

Please select now LoadPort in the Tree View, press double click on it or press right mouse buton and select Edit Transmission Line Port from the port context menu.

The Edit Transmission Line Port will appear and we change the Ymin coordinate to 5, uncheck Auto for excitation point and check Symmetry H.

Edit Transmission Line Port dialogue for LoadPort port.

Waveguide to coaxial line transition with symmetry plane (violet frame indicates PMC symmetry plane).

The project is ready and we can run the simulation. For that purpose we press Start  button from the Export section. The QW-Simulator is run and the simulation starts automatically.

For a detailed description of QW-Simulator functionalities please refer to QW-Simulator manual.

S-parameters calculated for waveguide to coaxial line transition with symmetry plane.


Previous step: Exporting the project and running the simulation.