1.1.1 File
QW-Modeller File tab is arranged in sections enabling basic file operations like loading and saving projects, printing a view of a project scenario, editing project objects, Undo/Redo operations, refreshing the project after introducing modifications, and exiting the QW-Modeller.
Project section
Project section contains the following commands:
- creates new QW-Modeller project. See New Project chapter for more information.
- opens QW-Modeller (or other supported format) project.
- saves QW-Modeller project with the current name (if the project has not been saved yet, the Save QW-Modeller Project dialogue will appear).
- opens Save QW-Modeller Project dialogue for introducing project file name.
- construct QuickWave components tree in the Tree View.
See Supported formats chapter for more information.
Print section
Print section contains the following commands:
- prints the current 3D view
- prints preview of the current 3D view
- exports the current 3D view to the pdf file
Edit section
Edit section contains the following commands:
- copy selected object(s)
- paste copied object(s)
- duplicate selected object(s)
- select all objects
- box selection in the 3D view
Undo/Redo section
Undo/Redo section contains the following commands:
- undo operation
- redo operation
Refresh section
Refresh section contains the following commands:
- refreshes the project after introducing modifications
Exit section
Exit section contains the following commands:
- exits the QW-Modeller
Help section
Help section contains the following command:
- opens help for File commands (present chapter)