1.1.2    View

QW-Modeller View tab is organised in sections allowing the user adjusting the project content view to his preferences. Available options enable exporting current view to the graphic file, fitting the project content to the screen, zooming the structure, choosing a view mode including set to plane view options (e.g. set to front view), and adjusting the drawing style (solid, wireframe, etc.) to the user preferences. For the user convenience the Project section, which enables creating, loading, and saving the project is available in the View tab and also in the following tabs.

Project section



Project section contains the following commands:

 - creates new QW-Modeller project. See New Project chapter for more information.

 - saves QW-Modeller project with the current name (if the project has not been saved yet, the Save QW-Modeller Project dialogue will appear).

 - opens QW-Modeller (or other supported format) project.

 - opens Save QW-Modeller Project dialogue for introducing project file name.

 - constructs QuickWave components tree in the Tree View.


See Supported formats chapter for more information.

Export section


Export section contains the following commands:

 - allows saving the current 3D view to the graphic file

Show section



Show section contains the following commands:

 - shows/hides the bounding box of the whole project

Fit section


Fit section contains the following commands:

 - fits the whole contents in the 3D view

 - fits the selected content in the 3D view

Zoom section


Zoom section contains the following commands:

 - zoom in the 3D view

 - unzoom in the 3D view

 - zoom to the selected content in the 3D view

View section


View section contains the following commands:

 - creates new 3D view for the active document

 - tiles the 3D view windows

 - cascades the 3D view windows

 - sets orthographic view mode for 3D view

 - sets perspective view mode for 3D view

 - switches to axonometric view in the 3D view

 - sets front view in the 3D view

 - sets rear view in the 3D view

 - sets top view in the 3D view

 - sets bottom view in the 3D view

 - sets right view in the 3D view

 - sets left view in the 3D view

 - rotates the view by 90° clockwise in the 3D view

 - rotates the view by 90° counter-clockwise in the 3D view

Style section


Style section contains the following options:

 - switches to default draw style in the 3D view

 - switches to shaded with lines draw style in the 3D view

 - switches to shaded draw style in the 3D view

 - switches to wireframe draw style in the 3D view

 - switches to points draw style in the 3D view

 - switches to hidden lines draw style in the 3D view

 - switches to not shaded draw style in the 3D view

Toolbars section


Toolbars section contains the following commands:

 - hides the QW-Modeller Ribbon and shows all QW-Modeller Toolbars


Help section

Help section contains the following command:

 - opens help for View commands (present chapter)