2.1    Units

The  button in Model tab and Model->Units... command from main menu invoke the drop down menu, which allows specifying the geometry units in which the project will be created and also the frequency units.

The following choices are available for geometrical units:

·         metres [m]

·         millimetres [mm]

·         microns [um]

·         nanometres [nm]

·         inches [inch]

·         mils [mils]


The following choices are available for frequency units:

·         petahertz [PHz]

·         terahertz [THz]

·         gigahertz [GHz]

·         megahertz [MHz]

·         kilohertz [kHz]

·         hertz [Hz]


The geometry and frequency units can be changed at any stage of project preparation. Please note that the unit change does not force automatic recalculation of previously entered data.

It should be noted that as an exception, the data introduced in Project Media dialogue must be always expressed in GHz.

The geometry and frequency units can be also changed in the Circuit Settings dialogue.