12.2.1                  Syntax of geometrical UDOs commands

·       ELEMENT (<level>,<height>,<type>,<medium name>,<name>,<spin/wire>) - Start of element frame, where:

<level> - level of element base, usually relative to predefined origin variable z,

<height> - height of element, for combined elements should be forced to zero,

<type> - type of element:

0 – simple element,

5 - bottom of combined element,

6 - cover of combined element.

<medium name> - name of element medium (if there is no such medium air is forced),

<name> - name of element,

<spin/wire> - orientation of element edge or wire marker:

IN, INe, INn, INs – medium fills inside the defined left (counter-clockwise) oriented contour. These are typical settings practically for all applications except of wires. IN and INe enforce E-plane of the FDTD grid at the level of the bottom and top of the element. INn enforces neutral plane (either E‑plane or H-plane) of the FDTD grid at the level of the bottom and top of the element. INs results in a suspended element, which does not force any mesh snapping planes; instead it is approximated with suspended mesh snapping planes. Additionally, lowercase letter d, l or h can be appended to IN (and INe, INn, INs) options to define classes of AMIGO priorities (respectively disabled, hard edges (lines), hard).

      OUT - medium fills outside the defined left (counter-clockwise) oriented contour. Note that this option is not recommended for a general use.

      WIRE - element is a wire line. The programmer has to ensure a proper shape of such an element. The line describing the wire shape does not need to be closed. Inside the frame of the element declared as WIRE, there may be a declaration of its diameter as presented below.

·       ENDELEM - End of element frame.

·       SETATTR (<which_attribute>,<attr_value_1>,<attr_value_2>) - Sets a property for element. This command is allowed only outside of the ELEMENT-ENDELEM frame and can be applied only to elements marked with MARK command. The parameters of the command are:

<which_attribute> - index of attribute to set:

index  0 - AMIGO status:


           -1 - no change, 0 - soft (default), 1 - hard edges, 2 - hard


           -1 - no change, 0 - enabled (default), 1 - disabled.

·       DIAMETER (<dia>) - Declaration of wire diameter, allowed only inside the frame of the element declared as WIRE.

·       WIRER1 (<R1>) - Declaration of wire resistance, allowed only inside the frame of the element declared as WIRE.

·       NEWLINE (<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>) - Insert line from point (x1, y1) to point (x2, y2).

·       ADDLINE (<x3>,<y3>) - Insert line from previous point to point (x3, y3).

·       ADDX (<dx>) – Insert a line parallel to X-axis from (x2,y2) to (x2+dx, y2).

·       ADDY (<dy>) – Insert a line parallel to Y-axis from (x2,y2) to (x2, y2+dy).

·       ADDXYZ (<x>,<y>,<z>) - Insert a contour point, to be used only in the group of library “contour” objects.

·       CLOSELINE - Insert line from previous point to (x1, y1) point of the last NEWLINE.

·       GRIDHV (<orientation_h>, <orientation_v>) - Declaration of wire grid, allowed only inside the frame of the element declared as WIRE.

·       ADJUSTP (<x>, <y>, <z>, <r>) - Moves all points of the elements at level z close to coordinate (x,y) exactly to (x,y) position. “Close to” means that points at level z are in the square with corners (x-r,y-r) and (x+r,y+r).

·       XCOORD (<item_type>, <name>, <n>) - A function returning x-coordinate of n-th point of the element

<item_type> - subject to operation :

ELEM - elements,

ELEML – local elements (those created in the currently open object),

<name> - name of the element in item_type group (the first found is taken into account)

<n> - the ordinal number of the point (the first one is numbered 0).

·       YCOORD (<item_type>, <name>, <n>) - The same as XCOORD but for y-coordinate.

·       ZCOORD (<item_type>, <name>, <n>) - The same as XCOORD but for z-coordinate.

·       SECTION (<level>,<height>,<height2>,<medium name>,<name>) - Start of section frame, where:

<level> - level of section element(s) base, usually relative to predefined origin variable z,

<height> - height of upper element, if equal to zero suppresses +Z activity,

<height2> - height of lower element, if equal to zero suppresses -Z activity,

<medium name> - name of element(s) medium (if there is no such medium, air is forced),

<name> - name of element (suffix U/D is added for upper/lower element).

·       ENDSECTION - End of section frame.


See also: Geometry, Manual Drawing of Wire and Wire Grids (Asymptotic Boundary Conditions).


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