12.3.2 Operators and logical conditions
The following operators are available for use in UDO scripts:
++ increment,
~change sign,
- subtraction,
/ division,
( )parenthesis,
; instruction delimiter,
, arguments separator,
@string concatenation.
The following logical conditions are available for use in UDO scripts:
&&logical and,
|| logical or,
==equal to,
!=different than,
< less than,
> greater than,
<= =< less or equal to,
>= => greater or equal to.
@ - string concatenation
Note that string concatenation allows definition of quasi-arrays. For example we can introduce a set of variables a1,a2,a3… using expressions a@i, where i is an index variable. However to avoid confusion between a string ai and a variable ai the following rules need to be respected:
· Let us assume that the index variable i has already been declared and we want to declare a set of variables ai. In such a case we should use the instruction:
(a@i)=…….. Note that the parenthesis is indispensable here.
· When the variable a@i is already defined and we want to apply it:
- with a particular value of the index we simply write a1, a2 etc.
- with a general index i we need to use the function VAR(a@i).
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