11.1 Log Output

In Log Output tab displays the informations about consecutive operations of the simulator are presented.


Pressing the right mouse button over the Log Output contents invokes the context menu:


log_contextmenu_help - opens help for Simulator Log window

log_contextmenu_helpwarnings - opens help for warnings and errors

log_menu_adjust - adjusts the size and position of the Simulator Log window

log_contextmenu_copy - copies selected text

log_contextmenu_selectall - selects all text in the Log Output contents

 - opens Find Text dialogue and finds specified text in the Log Output contents

log_contextmenu_saveas - saves the Log Output contents to the *.htm or *.txt file

log_menu_saveall - saves the contents of all logs the *.htm or *.txt files

log_contextmenu_clear - clear the Log Output contents

log_contextmenu_setfonr - opens Select Font dialogue for choosing the font for the text displayed in the Log Output

 - if checked the all information will be shown in the Log Output

 - if checked the only recent information will be shown in the Log Output. All information will be buffered and available with  command.

log_contextmenu_dongle - displays the licence dongle to which QW-Simulator is connected, and also the information about QuickWave modules’ licences