15.2.8                Commands not included in Breakpoints

·         Continue


Recent suspended simulation (not application) is continued. Simulation is suspended when iteration limit No_of_It is reached.

·         Loop

This command is used to loop the tasks included in one tasker file. It must be placed as the last command in the tasker file.

·         Message


Field <ID_1> <Message_1>

Field <ID_2> <Message_2>


Field <ID_n> <Message_n>

where n = No_of_Messages.

It is possible to control a 2D/3D Fields window of QW-Simulator by sending tasker messages to it.

<ID_i>                       - integer - window identity number according to the order of appearance on the screen

<Message_i>             - string - the following messages are available:

Landscape.                 - surface image

Thermal.                     - thermal discrete image

ArtThermal.                - thermal smooth image

Envelop.                     - envelope flag on

Dynamic.                    - dynamic flag on

Static.                         - dynamic flag off.

Messages are sent to earlier opened widows so typical scenario for message tasker command is to create simulator, open appropriate number of View-Fields window manually and then run task with messages. This command is rather useful for demonstration purposes.

·         TemplateDV


automatic / manual / analytic




Dynamic 2D template is calculated on the port described by p_name.pa3. Either automatic, manual or analytic mode of operation is chosen.

<freq_match> , <freq_within> - real numbers - requested matching frequency and accuracy margin in [GHz],

No_of_It is the number of iterations with sinusoidal excitation.

·         TemplateQS


<impedance tolerance>

<checking period>


Qusistatic 2D template is calculated on the port described by p_name.pa3. After No_of_It iterations the simulation will unconditionally stop. However, it may stop earlier if QW-Simulator finds that the characteristic impedance of the line has converged with sufficient accuracy. Therefore it calculates the characteristic impedance every <checking period> number of iterations. If relative discrepancy between two successively calculated values is less than <impedance tolerance>, the simulation stops. Note that QW-Editor always exports <impedance tolerance>=0.005 (0.5%) and <checking period>=1000 iterations, but the user may change these values manually in the *.ta3 file. In particular, it may be necessary to decrease <impedance tolerance> if the considered line cross-section is discretised into more than ten thousand of cells.

·         TemplateQS_Check


This command enables invoking preliminary testing stage, which checks the correctness of the quasi-static (TEM) template port configuration, e.g. if the distance between conductors is at least two FDTD cells, required for proper quasi-static template mode generation. This command may be useful in projects with several large quasi-static ports, where the template modes calculation is time consuming and there is a danger that after calculating template modes for most of the ports, further calculation will be stopped because of inncorect port configuration of one of the last ports. If TemplateQS_Check command is used, warning about incorrect port configuration is signalised before launching template modes calculation.

This command should be used at the very beginning of the tasker file.