37   Coaxial directional coupler


This example is available in .../QW-3D/Standard/PassiveComponents/CoaxCoupler/coaxcoupler.QWPro in the QW-Modeller examples directory and can be loaded using File®Open Examples... command from main menu.

General Description

An example of a simple coaxial directional coupler.


The coupler contains a pair of coupled transmission lines in a metal housing. The main line is terminated with N-connectors (high power operation possible), while the coupled line uses a smaller SMA connector. To simplify the scenario, supporting dielectric elements and details of connectors are omitted. The geometry is not optimized.

The ports for S-parameters extraction are numbered as follows:

[1] – input port,

[2] – output (transmitted) port,

[3] - coupled port

[4] – isolated port

Post Processing

S-parameters were calculated in the frequency band from 1 GHz to 10 GHz. Results are presented below 6 GHz only. Analysis of higher modes effects above 6 GHz is also possible.

S-parameters and isolation for the coaxial coupler.