32 Waveguide bandpass filter
This example is available in .../QW-3D/Prony/Wf/wf.QWPro in the QW-Modeller examples directory and can be loaded using File®Open Examples... command from main menu.
General DescriptionThe structure is a three section waveguide band pass filter with a passband centered around 35 GHz. Since there are three cavities one may expect that the structure can be described with a QProny model of the order P = 6. However, two cavities in the filter are identical - this implies that beating may take place.
GeometryThe filter is made on a 7 mm x 3.5 mm rectangular waveguide and its length is 40 mm.
Post Processing
The |S11| characteristic obtained from Fourier postprocessing (red) after 12000 iterations and QProny module (blue) after about 4500 iterations.
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