2.2    PMC

PMC stands for Perfect Magnetic Conductor. The PMC is implemented as a rigorous mathematical model of project symmetry boundary conditions of the magnetic (even) type. As such, it is applicable on either (or all) of the six side walls, and always a complete wall must be set as being PMC. In QW-Editor, this is done via the Special Planes and Boundaries dialogue. Refer to User Guide 3D: Rectangular waveguide filter and User Guide 3D: One dipole near magnetic wall for examples of such applications. Note that inserting magnetic plane inside the computational volume does not set the symmetry but only controls the mesh.


The use of this medium type as a material is not recommended.

Note that perfect magnetics do not exists in the physical reality. In EM modelling, researchers sometimes consider PMC as an approximation of high magnetic loss materials. The approach recommended in QuickWave is a direct one, that is, defining this material with its actual permittivity (er), permeability (μr), conductivity (s), and magnetic loss (sM). This is possible for types internally called Dielectric Isotropic and Dielectric Anisotropic. Nevertheless, users interested in PMC approximations are encouraged to contact QuickWave support.