7.3    NTF Fixed Angle

The NTTFA button  in the Simulation tab and Postprocessings->NTFFA... command from main menu invoke NTF Fixed Angle dialogue with settings for NTF Fixed Angle postprocessing.

NTF Fixed Angle postprocessing activates near field to far field transformation in the time domain, for a set of fixed directions. This option is available in QW-3D but not in QW-V2D. Directions are specified in the Diction(s) line, with OZ considered as a reference axis, as a sequence of phi, theta pairs of angles (if the user lists an odd number of angle values, the last one will be ignored by QW-Editor). Each pair of angles creates a separate postprocessing called NTFFA_1_2, NTFFA_3_4, etc In QW-Simulator, this time-domain NTF Fixed Angle transformation allows watching impulse response in the far field (in 1D Fields window) as well as its Fourier tranformation (in Results window) for the frequency range and resolution predefined in QW-Editor. In both cases, scaling of the far fields is the same as for Fields at 1m option of the Near To Far.


Detailed discussion regarding the NTF Fixed Angle post-processing and its simulation results is given in Radiation at Fixed Angle versus frequency and Impulse response in the far field.

Python code

The python code, which can be useful when creating project scripts, generated by Near To Far Fixed Angle dialogue for default parameters:

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingNTFFA.Active = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingNTFFA.From = 5.00000

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingNTFFA.To = 15.00000

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingNTFFA.Step = 0.10000

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingNTFFA.XPlus = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingNTFFA.XMinus = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingNTFFA.YPlus = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingNTFFA.YMinus = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingNTFFA.ZPlus = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingNTFFA.ZMinus = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingNTFFA.Directions = "0 45"