7.6 Power Available
The Pav button in the Simulation tab and Postprocessings->Power Available... command from main menu invoke Power Available dialogue with settings for Power Available post-processing.
Power Available post-processing invokes calculations of the Fourier transform of Excitation Waveform of all sources. The result will be a square root of time-maximum spectral power density at each frequency point; when displayed in square scale, it will be time-maximum spectral power density in Watt.
For a detailed discussion regarding Power Available post-processing refer to Power Available from the source and Energy available from the source.
The Power Available results can be observed in Results window in QW-Simulator.
Python code
The python code, which can be useful when creating project scripts, generated by Power Available dialogue for default parameters:
App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingPav.Active = True
App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingPav.From = 5.00000
App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingPav.To = 15.00000
App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingPav.Step = 0.10000