6.4 Rotation examples with source tuning
QW-BHM allows joint modelling of load rotation and source tuning. The heat_rot_man.pro example can be transformed into heat_rot_tune.pro analogously heat_auto.pro as has been transformed into heat_pulse.pro and then heat_tune.pro in Sensitivity to the tuning and Syntax of tasker file:
- waveguide port is re-defined as one with reference plane,
- its excitation is changed to a pulse of spectrum 2.3÷2.6 GHz,
- S-differential postprocessing is activated in the band 2.4÷2.5 GHz.
In fact, a faster way is to convert heat_tune.pro into heat_rot_tune.pro by adding rotation details as shown in Fig. 6.4-1.
Fig. 6.4-1. The Heating Details dialogue in heat_rot_tune.pro.
BHM iter. |
f [GHz] |
Min temp |
Max temp |
1 |
2.423 |
-19.96 |
-13.28 |
2 |
2.421 |
-19.61 |
-8.67 |
3 |
2.420 |
-19.04 |
-7.59 |
4 |
2.419 |
-18.71 |
-5.69 |
5 |
2.419 |
-18.00 |
-3.59 |
6 |
2.416 |
-16.95 |
-2.92 |
7 |
2.413 |
-16.80 |
-2.56 |
8 |
2.410 |
-15.99 |
-2.09 |
9 |
2.412 |
-14.92 |
-1.90 |
10 |
2.413 |
-14.79 |
-1.71 |
11 |
2.413 |
-14.60 |
-1.63 |
12 |
2.414 |
-14.10 |
-1.66 |
Fig. 6.4-2 Temperature and source frequency evolution in heat_rot_tune project, and final temperature pattern across the load (in -20÷0°C scale, in layer 8).