3.4    UDO Objectives

The UDO Objectives dialogue can be invoked using Load UDO… button in the Objectives tab of the Configure Optimiser dialogue.

The UDO Objectives dialogue allows loading objectives from a UDO file, if the post-processing UDO commands are found in the UDO file.

The post-processing commands found in the UDO file will be displayed as objectives in the Name column and the default parameters will be set. Pressing Overwrite button moves these objectives to the Optimiser Objectives list. The path to the loaded UDO file will be further remembered by the software and shown in the UDO Path line in the Objectives tab of the Configure Optimiser dialogue. This way of operation also ensures that the frequency range of S-Parameters and FD-Probing post-processings in QW-Editor will be copied to the Freq/Angle Range of the Scattering Parameters and FD Probing objectives, as required by QW-OptimiserPlus.