15.3.19            Save Power and Q (ReIm)

The Save Power & Q (ReIm) dialogue can be invoked using Power Settings button in the Add Breakpoint and Edit Breakpoint dialogues.

The Save Power & Q (ReIm) dialogue allows choosing additional settings for saving power results with Save Pdiss Energy QF ReIm command.

dialog_savePowerQReIm      dialog_savePowerQReIm2

The Density Parameter allows controlling regions of integration:

·         All_Region - power and energy are integrated over the whole circuit

·         pdiss_dense_regions_only - reduces the regions of integration of only power to regions of non-zero material density

·         energy_dense_regions_only - reduces the regions of integration of only energy to regions of non-zero material density

·         pdiss_energy_dense_regions_only - reduces the regions of integration of both power and energy to regions of non-zero material density


The integration can be performed on real (Re) or imaginary (Im) FDTD grid (in the case of periodic 3DP circuits).

Also the number of Iterations for integration should be set.

The Subc name button invokes Subcircuit Name dialogue for setting the name of subcircuit that the results will be extracted from.