15.3.1                Add or Edit Breakpoint

The Add Breakpoint dialogue can be invoked using Add… button in the Breakpoints dialogue and allows adding new breakpoint.

The Edit Breakpoint dialogue can be invoked using Edit… button in the Breakpoints dialogue and allows changing the previously set parameters of the selected breakpoint.


It is recommended to export the project before configuring breakpoints what ensures correct default settings in the particular dialogues (settings will be read from parameters *.pa3 file and shape *.sh3 file).


The Add Breakpoint and Edit Breakpoint dialogues contains the list of available breakpoint commands arranged into groups.


Commands may be selected with a mouse, and on the right hand side short information about the selected command will be displayed. For all commands, the time of their occurrence (counted in iterations) must be specified, either through the Iteration field (for one occurrence) or through the From, Every, To fields after checking Use from to option (for multiple periodic occurrence).

add_breakpoint      edit_breakpoint_fromto

Some breakpoints, like Suspend or Resume do not need any additional parameters. Many commands, like those of the Save groups, require file name as a parameter. It may be typed into the Filename field or specified via Set Filename button. Similarly, Path field and Set Path button allows defining a path to the file. Insert Var is a fast way to insert one of the pre-defined QuickWave Variables.


See Commands chapter for more information.