1.1.6    2D/3D Fields

QW-Simulator 2D/3D Fields tab is arranged in sections enabling basic file operations like loading projects, starting and managing simulation processs and provides access to 2D and 3D visualisation of electromagnetic fields and quantities available in simulation.



Project section

mesh_project      mesh_project2

Project section contains the following commands:

button_open - opens QW-Simulator tasker, parameters, shape or freeze file

button_home_open_tasker - opens tasker file (*.ta3)

button_home_open_freeze - opens freeze file (*.sfr)

button_home_open_shape - opens shape file (*.sh3)

button_home_project_description - opens and edits project description file

button_home_edit_ta3 - edits current tasker file

button_home_import_recent - opens Import Recent Files dialogue for importing recent files list from other version of QuickWave

button_home_clear_recent - clears the list of projects that have been recently loaded

button_home_clear_env - clears the list and settings of windows that have been opened


Run section

mesh_run      mesh_run2      mesh_run3

Run section contains the following command:

button_run - contains the list of the following commands:

button_run_start - starts the simulation

button_run_stop - stops the simulation

button_run_suspend - suspends the simulation

button_run_resume - resumes the simulation

button_run_step - executes one FDTD iteration of the current simulation

button_run_create - creates the simulation but does not start the calculation

button_run_delete - deletes created simulation

button_run_nexttask - switches to the next task defined in the task list

button_setpriority - sets system priority of QW-Simulator process


Fields section

Obraz zawierajÄ…cy tekst, diagram, zrzut ekranu, Czcionka  Opis wygenerowany automatycznie

Fields section contains the following commands:

button_2d_fields - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with 2D or 3D distribution of electromagnetic fields and quantities

button_2d_viewsaved - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with 2D or 3D distribution loaded from file

Obraz zawierajÄ…cy tekst, logo, Grafika, Czcionka  Opis wygenerowany automatycznie - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with 3D distribution loaded from collection files


Display Options section


Display Options section contains the following options:

button_points - sets 2D Points display for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window that will be opened with selected component

button_lines - sets 2D Lines display for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window that will be opened with selected component

button_artlines - sets 2D Art Lines display for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window that will be opened with selected component

button_artfilled - sets 2D Art Filled display for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window that will be opened with selected component

ribbon_2dfields_display_options_points - sets 2D Art Points display for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window that will be opened with selected component

ribbon_2dfields_display_options_postuments - sets 2D Art Postuments display for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window that will be opened with selected component

button_thermaldisc - sets 2D Thermal Discrete display for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window that will be opened with selected component

button_thermalcont - sets 2D Thermal Continuous display for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window that will be opened with selected component

button_vector3d - sets 3D Vector display for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window that will be opened with selected component

button_viewer3d - sets 3D Viewer display for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window that will be opened with selected component

button_fields2d_structure - sets show structure option for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window that will be opened with selected component


Components section



2d_components0      2d_components1      2d_components2      2d_components3      2d_components4


button_2d_e - contains commands for displaying electric field components:

button_1dfields_efields2_ex - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Ex field

button_1dfields_efields2_ey - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Ey field

button_1dfields_efields2_ez - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Ez field

button_1dfields_efields2_e - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays E field


button_2d_h - contains commands for displaying magnetic field components:

button_1dfields_hfields2_hx - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Hx field

button_1dfields_hfields2_hy - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Hy field

button_1dfields_hfields2_hz - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Hz field

button_1dfields_hfields2_h - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays H field


button_2d_s - contains commands for displaying Poynting vector components:

button_2dfields_s2_1 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Poynting vector Sx component

button_2dfields_s2_2 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Poynting vector Sy component

button_2dfields_s2_3 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Poynting vector Sz component

button_2dfields_s2_4 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Poynting vector S component

button_2dfields_s2_i1 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays integral of Poynting vector Sx component

button_2dfields_s2_i2 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays integral of Poynting vector Sy component

button_2dfields_s2_i3 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays integral of Poynting vector Sz component

button_2dfields_s2_i4 - open 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays integral of Poynting vector S component


button_2d_power - contains commands for displaying power components:

button_1dfields_pd2_pd1 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays power dissipated results

button_1dfields_pd2_pd2 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays power density results

button_1dfields_pd2_pd3 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays power dissipated results in electric losses results

button_1dfields_pd2_pd4 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays power dissipated results in magnetic losses results


button_2dfields_pd2_i1 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays integral of power dissipated results

button_2dfields_pd2_i2 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays integral of power density results

button_2dfields_pd2_i3 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays integral of power dissipated results in electric losses results

button_2dfields_pd2_i4 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays integral of power dissipated results in magnetic losses results



For QW-3D projects and the quasistatic template the following E and H components are available:

2d_eh_templ_tem_0      2d_eh_templ_tem_e      2d_eh_templ_tem_h

button_1d_e - contains commands for displaying electric field components:

1d_eh_templ_tem_e1 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Ue component

1d_eh_templ_tem_e2 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Dx component

1d_eh_templ_tem_e3 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Dy component

1d_eh_templ_tem_e4 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays D component


button_1d_h - contains commands for displaying magnetic field components:

1d_eh_templ_tem_h1 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Um component

1d_eh_templ_tem_h2 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Hx component

1d_eh_templ_tem_h3 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Hy component

1d_eh_templ_tem_h4 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options Domain section and displays H component


For QW-V2D projects the following E and H components are available:

2d_eh_v2d_0      2d_eh_v2d_e      2d_eh_v2d_h

button_1d_e - contains commands for displaying electric field components:

1d_eh_v2d_e1 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Ex component

1d_eh_v2d_e2 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Er component

1d_eh_v2d_e3 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Ej component

1d_eh_v2d_e4 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays E component


button_1d_h - contains commands for displaying magnetic field components:

1d_eh_v2d_h1 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Hx component

1d_eh_v2d_h2 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Hr component

1d_eh_v2d_h3 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Hj component

1d_eh_v2d_h4 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays H component


For QW-V2D projects and the quasistatic template the following E and H components are available:

2d_eh_v2d_templ_tem_eh      2d_eh_v2d_templ_tem_e      2d_eh_v2d_templ_tem_h

button_1d_e - contains commands for displaying electric field components:

1d_eh_v2d_templ_tem_e1 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Ue component

1d_eh_v2d_templ_tem_e2 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Dr*r component


button_1d_h - contains commands for displaying magnetic field components:

1d_eh_v2d_templ_tem_h1 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Um component

1d_eh_v2d_templ_tem_h3 - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Hj*r component



button_2d_js - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays current results

button_2d_sar - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays SAR results

button_2d_temp - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Temperature results

button_2d_enth - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays Enthalpy results

button_2d_mediaeff - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution window with options set in Display Options section and displays effective media parameters


Help section


Help section contains the following command:

button_help_2d - opens help for 2D/3D Fields commands (present chapter)