4.11.9                    BoR (V2D) View Options

The button_structure_v2d3d button in Structure tab and Type->Surface->Structure Switch->V2D Structure View… or Type->Vector->Structure Switch->V2D Structure View… commands from main menu or context menu invoke BoR (V2D) View Options dialogue for 3D display of the axisymmetrical V2D project structure.


The 3D geometry of the axisymmetrical V2D structure will be displayed between Start Angle Phi and Stop Angle Phi discretised into Sectors Nb. in the angular direction. A sector between Stop Angle Phi and Start Angle Phi will be empty, and hence it will be convenient to watch the fields in the planes at Start Angle Phi and Stop Angle Phi. These two displays are activated by checking the two respective checkboxes.

Additionally, a display in one ρφ plane may be activated by the check box in the Plane Rho-Phi frame. This display position is set as the FDTD Layer in X-direction and re-calculated by the software into the absolute units in X[mm]. Amplitude Flat thermal check box turns the flat mode on for the active displays and is usually more convenient for viewing the fields in more than one plane in the same window.