4.1.1    Ribbon

2D/3D Fields Distribution window Ribbon contains of the following tabs:















ribbon_envelope   Components






For QW-3D projects the following E and H components are available:


button_comp_ex - displays Ex component of electric field

button_comp_ey - displays Ey component of electric field

button_comp_ez - displays Ez component of electric field

button_comp_e - displays total electric field E

button_comp_hx - displays Hx component of magnetic field

button_comp_hy - displays Hy component of magnetic field

button_comp_hz - displays Hz component of magnetic field

button_comp_h - displays total magnetic field H



For QW-3D projects and the quasistatic template the following E and H components are available:


button_components_ue - displays electric potential Ue

button_components_dx - displays Dx component of electric displacement field

button_components_dy - displays Dy component of electric displacement field

button_components_d - displays total electric displacement field D

button_components_um - displays magnetic potential Um

button_comp_hx - displays Hx component of magnetic field

button_comp_hy - displays Hy component of magnetic field

button_comp_h - displays total magnetic field H



For QW-V2D projects the following E and H components are available:


button_comp_ex - displays Ex component of electric field

button_components_erho - displays Er component of electric field

button_components_ephi - displays Ej component of electric field

button_comp_e - displays total electric field E

button_comp_hx - displays Hx component of magnetic field

button_components_hrho - displays Hr component of magnetic field

button_components_hphi - displays Hj component of magnetic field

button_comp_h - displays total magnetic field H



For QW-V2D projects and the quasistatic template the following E and H components are available:


button_components_ue - displays electric potential Ue

button_components_drhorho - displays Dr*r product

button_components_um - displays magnetic potential Um

button_components_hphirho - displays Hj*r product



Total electric field E and total magnetic field H components choice:

button_components_eh2 - choice of components for calculation of total electric field E and total magnetic field H

button_vector_eh2_xyz - total electric field E and total magnetic field H will be calculated from X, Y and Z field components

button_vector_eh2_xy - total electric field E and total magnetic field H will be calculated from X and Y field components

button_vector_eh2_xz - total electric field E and total magnetic field H will be calculated from X and Z field components

button_vector_eh2_yz - total electric field E and total magnetic field H will be calculated from Y and Z field components


Poynting components:

button_components_sx - displays Poynting vector Sx component

button_components_sy - displays Poynting vector Sy component

button_components_sz - displays Poynting vector Sz component

button_components_s - displays total Poynting vector S



Power components:

button_comp_pd - displays power dissipated

button_comp_pd2 - displays power dissipated density

button_comp_pde - displays power dissipated in electric losses

button_comp_pdh - displays power dissipated in magnetic losses



SAR, Temperature, Enthalpy and Total Energy components:

button_components_js - displays surface current

button_comp_sar - displays Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) results

button_comp_temp - displays Temperature results (available with the Basic Heating Module)

button_comp_enth - displays Enthalpy results (available with the Basic Heating Module)

button_components_integral - calculates the integral of selected components in time. It is enabled for power dissipated and dissipated power density and for Poynting vector if ExH Time Integral post-processing is enabled

button_components_eff - displays effective media parameters

ribbon_components_eef_par2 - choice of effective media parameters

button_adjust - adjusts the displayed fields

button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Ribbon and shows all 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Toolbars

button_help_components - opens help for Components tab commands (present chapter)   2D Surface




button_art_lines - switches to Lines Art display

button_artfilled - switches to Filled Art display

button_art_points - switches to Points Art display

button_art_postuments - switches to Postuments Art display

button_points - switches to Points display

button_lines - switches to Lines display

button_up - changes the layer of cells that is displayed by one layer up

button_down - changes the layer of cells that is displayed by one layer down

button_goto - opens Go to dialogue for changing currently displayed layer

button_xy - sets XY plane for the display

button_xz - sets XZ plane for the display

button_yz - sets YZ plane for the display

ribbon_2dsurface_sections - opens Cross Section Options dialogue for setting cross sections

ribbon_2dsurface_sections_show - shows/hides cross sections

button_amplify - amplifies the displayed fields

button_adjust - adjusts the displayed fields

button_attenuate - attenuates the displayed fields

ribbon_2dsurface_flat - switches between 2D fields flat plane display and 2D fields display

button_isotropic - switches on/off isotropic view for the display

 - opens Field Collection Preview dialogue for preview of loaded fields collection

button_scale - commands for scale settings for Art displays:

button_2dsurface_scale2_linear - sets Linear scale

button_2dsurface_scale2_decibel - sets Decibel scale

button_2dsurface_scale2_setscale - opens Set Scale dialogue for setting scale parameters for Art displays

button_2dsurface_scale2_showunit - shows/hides the units and formula that are shown at the top of the colour bar

button_2dsurface_scale2_showvalues - shows/hides the minimum and maximum values of the colour scale that are shown at the top and bottom of the colour bar

button_2dsurface_scale2_setfont - opens Select Font dialogue for choosing the font for units and formula and the minimum and maximum values of the colour scale that are shown at the top and bottom of the colour bar


ribbon_2dsurface_palette - change the colour palette, including user defined palettes, for Art displays

button_nextpalette - switches to the next colour palette for Art displays

ribbon_2dsurface_preferences - opens 2D Surface Art Display Options dialogue for setting display options for Art displays

button_preferences - opens 2D Surface Display Options dialogue for setting display options for Points and Lines display

button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Ribbon and shows all 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Toolbars

button_help_2dsurface - opens help for 2D Surface tab commands (present chapter)   2D Thermal



button_thermal_discrete - switches to Thermal Discrete display

button_thermal_continuous - switches to Thermal Continuous display

button_up - changes the layer of cells that is displayed by one layer up

button_down - changes the layer of cells that is displayed by one layer down

button_goto - opens Go to dialogue for changing currently displayed layer

button_xy - sets XY plane for the display

button_xz - sets XZ plane for the display

button_yz - sets YZ plane for the display

button_thermal_mesh - shows/hides a grid of the FDTD mesh

button_thermal_shape - shows the display of fields against the actual shape of the analysed structure, taking also into account boundary-conformal non-rectangular cells. Note that while QW-Simulator conducts the analysis on a conformal mesh, the default way of displaying the fields is on a simplified mesh built of rectangles. Moreover, the value of a field component assigned to the cell of index i is shown over the cell of index i, neglecting the staggered arrangement of fields around the cell. This makes the default image relatively fast, but different from the actually considered model. Activating this option has two consequences:

button_thermal_geometry - shows the display of fields against the actual shape of the analysed structure, but NOT taking into account boundary-conformal non-rectangular cells

button_thermal_zero - causes that zero field values are always displayed in the middle colour from colour bar

button_isotropic - switches on/off isotropic view for the display

button_thermal_info - opens XYZ dialogue for viewing exact coordinates of a particular point (at the mouse cursor position)

button_thermal_scale2 - commands for scale settings for Thermal displays:

button_2dsurface_scale2_linear - sets Linear scale

button_2dsurface_scale2_decibel - sets Decibel scale

button_thermal_scale2_fullauto - sets scale to automatic

button_thermal_scale2_expandonly - sets expand scale mode. The scale extends to distinguish the increasing (positive or negative) fields but it does not shrink.

button_thermal_scale2_manual - opens Scaling dialogue for setting scale parameters for Thermal displays

button_2dsurface_scale2_showunit - shows/hides the units and formula that are shown at the top of the colour bar

button_2dsurface_scale2_showvalues - shows/hides the minimum and maximum values of the colour scale that are shown at the top and bottom of the colour bar

button_2dsurface_scale2_setfont - opens Select Font dialogue for choosing the font for units and formula and the minimum and maximum values of the colour scale that are shown at the top and bottom of the colour bar


ribbon_thermal0_sparsity - commands for sparsity settings for Thermal Discrete display; available when Shape and Geometry options are off:

button_thermal_sparsity2_incsparsity - changes the space sparsity factor by one up

button_thermal_sparsity2_decsparsity - changes the space sparsity factor by one down

button_thermal_sparsity2_setsparsity - opens Sparse Mode dialogue for setting space sparsity factor


ribbon_2dthermal_palette - change the colour palette, including user defined palettes, for Thermal displays

button_nextpalette - switches to the next colour palette for Thermal displays

button_thermal_preferences - opens 2D Thermal Display Options dialogue for setting display options for Thermal displays

button_toolbars - hides the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Ribbon and shows all 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Toolbars

button_help_thermal - opens help for 2D Thermal tab commands (present chapter)   3D Vector



button_vector_vector - switches to 3D Vector display

button_comp_e - displays total electric field E

button_comp_h - displays total magnetic field H

button_components_s - displays total Poynting vector S

button_components_eh2 - choice of components for calculation of total electric field E and total magnetic field H:

button_vector_eh2_xyz - total electric field E and total magnetic field H will be calculated from X, Y and Z field components

button_vector_eh2_xy - total electric field E and total magnetic field H will be calculated from X and Y field components

button_vector_eh2_xz - total electric field E and total magnetic field H will be calculated from X and Z field components

button_vector_eh2_yz - total electric field E and total magnetic field H will be calculated from Y and Z field components

button_vector_eandh - enables simultaneous viewing of total electric field E and total magnetic field H

button_vector_avrs - detects time-average vector built of time-average components of momentary Poynting vector in each cell of the whole computational domain. This mode of display is signalled by /Avr S in the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window title bar.

button_amplify - amplifies the displayed fields

button_adjust - adjusts the displayed fields

button_attenuate - attenuates the displayed fields

button_vector_flat - switches between 2D fields flat plane display and volume fields display

button_up - changes the layer of cells that is displayed by one layer up

button_down - changes the layer of cells that is displayed by one layer down

button_goto - opens Go to dialogue for changing currently displayed layer

button_vector_scale2 - commands for scale settings for 3D Vector display:

button_2dsurface_scale2_linear - sets Linear scale

button_2dsurface_scale2_decibel - sets Decibel scale

button_2dsurface_scale2_setscale - opens Set Scale dialogue for setting scale parameters for 3D Vector display

button_2dsurface_scale2_showunit - shows/hides the units and formula that are shown at the top of the colour bar

button_2dsurface_scale2_showvalues - shows/hides the minimum and maximum values of the colour scale that are shown at the top and bottom of the colour bar

button_2dsurface_scale2_setfont - opens Select Font dialogue for choosing the font for units and formula and the minimum and maximum values of the colour scale that are shown at the top and bottom of the colour bar


ribbon_vector0_sparsity - commands for volume sparsity settings for 3D Vector display:

button_vector_sparsity2_incsparsity - changes the volume sparsity factor by one up

button_vector_sparsity2_decsparsity - changes the volume sparsity factor by one down

button_vector_sparsity2_setsparsity - opens Sparse Factor dialogue for setting volume sparsity factor


ribbon_vector0_arrows - choice of arrows type

ribbon_3dvector_vector_options - opens 3D Vector Options dialogue for setting arrows display preferences

ribbon_3dvector_palette - change the colour palette, including user defined palettes, for 3D Vector display

button_nextpalette - switches to the next colour palette for 3D Vector display

button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Ribbon and shows all 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Toolbars

button_help_vector - opens help for 3D Vector tab commands (present chapter)   3D Viewer



button_viewer_qviewer - switches to 3D Viewer display

button_viewer_isotropic - switches on/off isotropic view for the display

button_viewer_settings - opens 3D Viewer Settings dialogue for changing display options for 3D Viewer display

button_viewer_scale2 - commands for scale settings for 3D Viewer display:

button_2dsurface_scale2_linear - sets Linear scale

button_2dsurface_scale2_decibel - sets Decibel scale

button_2dsurface_scale2_setscale - opens Set Scale dialogue for setting scale parameters for 3D Viewer display

button_2dsurface_scale2_showunit - shows/hides the units and formula that are shown at the top of the colour bar

button_2dsurface_scale2_showvalues - shows/hides the minimum and maximum values of the colour scale that are shown at the top and bottom of the colour bar

button_2dsurface_scale2_setfont - opens Select Font dialogue for choosing the font for units and formula and the minimum and maximum values of the colour scale that are shown at the top and bottom of the colour bar


ribbon_3dviewer_palette - change the colour palette, including user defined palettes, for 3D Viewer display

button_nextpalette - switches to the next colour palette for 3D Viewer display

button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Ribbon and shows all 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Toolbars

button_help_viewer - opens help for 3D Viewer tab commands (present chapter)   Display



button_display_back - switches back to tab from which current tab was switched to. It can change to the following buttons: button_back_components, button_back_surface, button_back_vector, button_back_viewer, button_back_structure, button_back_envelope or button_back_export.

ribbon_display_display - change the display view:

ribbon_display_display_lines_art - switches to Lines Art display

ribbon_display_display_filled_art - switches to Filled Art display

ribbon_display_display_points_art - switches to Points Art display

ribbon_display_display_postuments_art - switches to Postuments Art display

ribbon_display0_display_points - switches to Points display

ribbon_display0_display_lines - switches to Lines display

ribbon_display0_display_thermaldiscr - switches to Thermal Discrete display

ribbon_display0_display_thermalcont - switches to Thermal Continuous display

ribbon_display0_display_vector - switches to 3D Vector display

ribbon_display0_display_qviewer - switches to 3D Viewer display

button_display_free - enables free display rotation

button_display_x - enables display rotation around X axis

button_display_y - enables display rotation around Y axis

button_display_z - enables display rotation around Z axis

button_display_pan - enables display translation

button_display_zoom - zoom the display to the selected content

button_display_updown - zoom with the left mouse button and up and down mouse move

ribbon_display0_xyz - change display to view from selected direction and enable display animation during changing the view

button_vector_flat - switches between 2D fields flat plane display and volume fields display

button_xy - sets XY plane for the display

button_xz - sets XZ plane for the display

button_yz - sets YZ plane for the display

button_display_limit - opens Volume Limit dialogue for defining a sub-volume of the computational domain that will be displayed

 - opens V2D Plane Settings dialogue for setting plane for V2D projects display

button_viewer_isotropic - switches on/off isotropic view for the display

button_display_lights - enables light illumination of the display

button_display_initial - resets display to the default view

button_display_colour - opens Background Colour dialogue for setting the background solid colour or background gradient colours of the current display

button_display_auto - switches frozen scale on or off (Auto). In this mode the scale covered by the colour palette dynamically adjusts to the current range of the displayed field. An indication of this mode are flickering maximum and minimum field values assigned to the bottom and top of the colour bar. In some cases, the user may wish to freeze the current scale and have the shrinking or increasing field values automatically reflected in the changing range of colours used in the display.

button_display_dynamic - switches on/off window dynamic refresh. This mode of display is signalled by /DYN in the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window title bar.

button_display_refresh - opens Refresh Settings dialogue with window refresh settings

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Ribbon and shows all 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Toolbars

button_help_display - opens help for Display tab commands (present chapter)   Structure



button_display_back - switches back to tab from which current tab was switched to. It can change to the following buttons: button_back_components, button_back_surface, button_back_vector, button_back_viewer, button_back_display, button_back_envelope or button_back_export.

button_structure_show - shows/hides project structure display

button_structure_load - loads project structure

button_structure_filled - switches on/off solid project structure display

button_structure_wire - switches on/off wire project structure display

button_structure_portsboxes - shows/hides all non-geometrical simulation objects like, e.g. transmission line ports, ABC wall/box, NTF box, Field Monitors etc.

ribbon_structure_line_width - opens Structure Line Width dialogue for setting the structure line width for Art displays

button_structure_blend - opens Blend dialogue for translucency effects for solid project structure display

button_structure_lights - enables light illumination of the display

button_structure_next - displays the structure in a next view (useful for projects exported from QW-AddIn for Autodesk® Inventor® Software or QW-Modeller). See Preferences chapter for more information.

button_structure_prev- displays the structure in a previous view (useful for projects exported from QW-AddIn for Autodesk® Inventor® Software or QW-Modeller). See Preferences chapter for more information.

button_structure_struct - controls how switching the display plane influences the display. When it is on, switching between planes (XY, XZ, YZ) shows corresponding field display keeping the structure (geometry) orientation constant.

button_structure_field - controls how switching the display plane influences the display. When this option is on, switching between planes (XY, XZ, YZ) causes that the geometry is rotated, so that orientation of the field display is maintained.

button_structure_v2d3d - opens BoR (V2D) View Options dialogue for 3D display of the axisymmetrical project structure

button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_toolbars - hides the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Ribbon and shows all 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Toolbars

button_help_structure - opens help for Structure tab commands (present chapter)   Envelope



button_envelope_max - turns on/off Plane Envelope Max calculation

button_envelope_avr - turns on/off Plane Envelope Avr calculation

button_envelope_dc - turns on/off Plane Envelope DC calculation

button_envelope_vol_heat - turns on/off Plane Envelope Heat calculation

button_envelope_vol_max - turns on/off Volume Envelope Max calculation

button_envelope_vol_avr - turns on/off Volume Envelope Avr calculation

button_envelope_vol_maxeh - turns on/off Volume Envelope Max EH Comp calculation

button_envelope_vol_avreh - turns on/off Volume Envelope Avr EH Comp calculation

button_vector_avrs - turns on/off Volume Envelope Avr S calculation.

button_display_limit - opens Volume Limit dialogue for defining a sub-volume of the computational domain that will be displayed

button_amplify - amplifies the displayed fields

button_adjust - adjusts the displayed fields

button_attenuate - attenuates the displayed fields

ribbon_2dsurface_flat - switches between 2D fields flat plane display and 2D fields display

button_envelope_vol_saveplane - saves plane instantaneous or plane envelope of the currently displayed component, in the current layer of the circuit, to a text file

button_envelope_vol_savevol - saves volume instantaneous or volume envelope of the currently displayed component over the user-defined sub-volume of the computational domain set in the appearing Volume Export Settings dialogue

button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Ribbon and shows all 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Toolbars

button_help_envelope - opens help for Envelope tab commands (present chapter)   Export


button_export_dump - saves the values of all six field components in all layers to a text file

button_export_saveplane - saves plane instantaneous or plane envelope of the currently displayed component, in the current layer of the circuit, to a text file

 - saves plane instantaneous or plane envelope of the currently displayed component, in the current layer of the circuit, to a CSV text file

button_export_savevol - saves volume instantaneous or volume envelope of the currently displayed component over the user-defined sub-volume of the computational domain set in the appearing Volume Export Settings dialogue

button_export_picture - saves the current display to the *.bmp, *.jpg or *.png file

button_export_clipboard - copies the current display to the Clipboard

button_export_bmp - exports the current display to the *.bmp file

button_export_jpg - exports the current display to the *.jpg file

button_export_png - exports the current display to the *.png file

button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Ribbon and shows all 2D/3D Fields Distribution window Toolbars

button_help_export - opens help for Export tab commands (present chapter)