9.1.2   Results Display

Results display of Average Temperature window presents the values of temperature in dense and non-dense media.


After opening the Average Temperature window, the values of minimum, maximum temperature, and arithmetic average and volume average temperatures in dense and non-dense media (all media included in the simulation project) will be displayed. For more information regarding average temperature calculation refer to Average Temperature.


Calculated values can be refreshed manually with Refresh button or Refresh command from main menu or context menu. The FDTD iteration at which the results were calculated is displayed in the status bar.


The results display shows the following results:

·         Temperature in dense media

·         Temperature in not-dense media    Additional controls

The Average Temperature window contains of the following controls:

button_refresh - refreshes all temperature results

button_help - opens help for Average Temperature window (present chapter)

button_save - saves current temperature results in *.mt3 file

button_regrid - displays the temperature results for the real grid (available in the analysis of periodic structures - 3DP circuit type)

button_imgrid - displays the temperature results for the imaginary grid (available in the analysis of periodic structures - 3DP circuit type)