9.4 Export/Import
The results calculated in Average Temperature window can be exported (saved) with Save button or Save command from main menu or context menu.
The user can save all temperature values in *.mt3 file.
Example 1: format of *.mt3 file
! Quick Wave Media Average Temperature data file ver. 2.0
! Program version v2018:2018.07.24 HN64,OMP
! Computer time = Wed Aug 22 15:20:26 2018
! Task name - …/qw_examp/QW_3D/BHM/Heat/heat_auto.ta3
! Iteration number = 29934
! Current FDTD time [ns] = 248.462
! Time step [ns] = 0.00830033
! Subcircuit Name - heat_auto
! Subcircuit Type - t3d.
! Medium Name MIN [degC] MAX [degC] Arith AVR [degC] Vol AVR [degC]
Food -19.7755 14.4089 -8.70376 -8.74019
! Medium Name MIN [degC] MAX [degC] Arith AVR [degC] Vol AVR [degC]
Metal 20 20 20 20
air 20 20 20 20
Ttglass 20 20 20 20
The format of the *.mt3 contains:
header with basic simulation information,
dense media section with the table of all dense media and their temperature results given for each medium separately
other media (non-dense media) section with the table of all non-dense media and their temperature results for each medium separately
It should be noted that volume instantaneous files (*.vi3) with temperature distribution in the heated object(s) saved when QW-Simulator works in QW-BHM regime, contain the values of average temperature (arithmetic and volume) for the considered volume.
Previously saved average temperature results can be loaded from *.mt3 file and viewed in a text form using Saved Average Temperature Results command from Power, Energy, Q & Temperature label button with commands from Results tab of QW-Simulator Ribbon or using Saved Average Temperature Results command from Results menu of QW-Simulator main menu.