Dr. M. Celuch was an invited speaker in the high level Conference jointly organised by the European Commission and OSEO "Consolidating Research and Innovation for European SMEs: How to do more and better", which took place at the French Ministry for Economy, Industry and Employment, place on September 15-16, on the occasion of the French Presidency of the European Union. Video recordings of the Conference are available at http://www.ue-recherche-et-pme.oseo.fr/. Dr. Celuch participated in Debate: How to adapt support for SMEs within an enhanced networking approach.
The European Commission also organised, in parallel with and in complement to the main conference, a dedicated EC press programme for journalists present at the Conference. QWED was proud to be one of fifteen European research success storiesselected for presentation.
Consolidating Research and Innovation for European SMEs Conference Paris, France September 15-16, 2008