New Objective for optimisation and grid search: radiation pattern for circular polarisation.
Objective Results in Optimiser/GridSearch. After each optimisation or grid search iteration the results of the current simulation will be saved in the file with the name: <PROJECTNAME>_<OPTGS>_<OBJNB>_<OPTIT>.da3 where: <PROJECTNAME> - name of the project <OPTGS> - string ”opt” for optimisation, ”gs” for grid search <OBJNB> - number of objective <OPTIT> - number of current iteration of optimisation or grid search Additionally the files with the name: <PROJECTNAME>_<OPTGS>_<OBJNB>_<OPTIT>.udp will be saved. These files contain current values for variables that are selected for optimisation or grid search.
File *.udp can be easily imported to QW-Editor in the Add Object window by pressing Get button.