7.7    Fields Monitor

The Monitor button  in the Simulation tab and Postprocessings->Fields Monitor... command from main menu invoke Fields Monitor dialogue with settings for Fields Monitor post-processing. The FD-Monitors frame available in the FD-Monitors postprocessing dialogue is the same as in the Create Field Monitor Box dialogue (see Field Monitor Box chapter for more information on how such monitors are defined).

FD-Monitors post-processing performs Fourier-transformation of the field components checked in the upper line in the dialogue, at frequencies specified in the lower line, in selected sections of the circuit called Field Monitor Box. In QW-Simulator, magnitudes of these field components as well as real and imaginary parts of the Poynting vector (if available from the checked components) are accessible in Fields Monitor window. FD-Monitors postprocessing is available only if at least one Fields Monitor has been set. Theoretically, any number of Fields Monitors and frequencies can be considered. However, collecting the data for many frequencies and Fields Monitors may become quite consuming in terms of computer resources. For FD-Monitors 3D, data collection can be accelerated by setting a sparsity factor in space higher than 1. Please note that for the FDM sparsity N greater than 1 the following components: Etotal, Htotal, S, Sx, Sy, Sz, PdE, PdH, Pd and pd values will be calculated not from the nearest cell but will be estimated from the nearest N-th cell.

Details discussion regarding the FD-Monitors post-processing and its simulation results is given in Field’s Monitoring.

Python code

The python code, which can be useful when creating project scripts, generated by Fields Monitor dialogue for default parameters:

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingFieldMonitor.Active = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingFieldMonitor.Sparsity = 1

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingFieldMonitor.SparsityY = 2

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingFieldMonitor.SparsityZ = 2

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingFieldMonitor.Ex = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingFieldMonitor.Ey = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingFieldMonitor.Ez = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingFieldMonitor.Hx = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingFieldMonitor.Hy = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingFieldMonitor.Hz = True

App.ActiveDocument.QW_PostprocessingFieldMonitor.Frequencies = [5,10]