9.3 Patch Antenna Array Excitation
The button in Antenna Array tab and Model->Patch Antenna Array >Patch Antenna Array Excitation... command from main menu or Excitation… button from Patch Antenna Array dialogue invoke Patch Antenna Array – Excitation dialogue for including and changing excitation settings of patch antenna array.
Each separate patch is excited by the point port placed in the middle of substrate height, joint with the wire connecting the patch and ground beneath the substrate.
The excitation parameters like, Waveform, Frequency Range, Amplitude, and Delay can be defined for point port. See Waveform chapter for more information. If the beam steering is not defined, the Delay value is irrelevant.
The Point Port frame enables setting the point port parameters such as exciting field component, to which the port is connected and its resistance. The By value combo box allows setting infinite resistance (+INF) or automatic resistance value adjustment (Auto adjust).
The distance Dx and Dy defines the position of point port from the patch centre in X and Y direction respectively. For the connecting wire, its diameter can be set.