10.5 Edit BHM Rotation Axes
The BHM Rotation Axes dialogue for managing BHM rotation axes can be invoked:
with the command in
button in Model tab
with the command from BHM group context menu in the Project Tree
with the BHM->BHM Rotation Axes… command from main menu
The list contains all BHM rotation axes defined in the project and their names, centre’s coordinates, rotation speed and direction, and assigned objects’ names are presented. Each rotation axis on the list can be selected and multiple selections are available with Ctrl key.
Edit... button or double click on the rotation axis on the list opens Rotation Axis dialogue for editing the selected rotation axis.
Add... button opens Rotation Axis dialogue for adding rotation axis.
Copy... button creates a copy of each selected rotation axes.
Delete... button removes each of the selected rotation axes.
Select All button allows selecting all rotation axes from the list.