2.4     Grid/Snap

The  button in the 2D Window toolbar and Setup->Grid/Snap... command from 2D Window menu invoke Grid/Snap Parameters dialogue.

By defining the grid we set an array of regularly spaced points to be displayed in the 2D Window. They can be helpful in defining the shape of the structure directly on the screen. When the snap is on any point considered in the 2D Window adopts only coordinates discretised with the snap value as the basic increment. It is strongly recommended that the snap is always “on” and its value is not lower than the accuracy with which the dimensions in the project are defined. If the snap is “off” two faces of adjacent elements, which are seemingly adherent, may in reality form very thin slots, which make the analysis slower and less accurate, if not erroneous. Similar effects may appear for example if we know that the dimensions are defined with 10mm accuracy but use the snap of 1mm.


If the grid is too dense an appropriate warning will be displayed.