9.3     Energy Stop Criterion

The  button in Simulation tab and File->Energy Stop Criterion... command from main menu invoke Energy Stop Criterion dialogue with options for simulation with energy stop criterion.

The Energy Stop Criterion dialogue allows user to determine the relative energy threshold level, at which the computation should be suspended or stopped. The user is also provided with a mechanism of monitoring the S-Parameters fluctuation level, where the level of those changes may be used as an additional stop criterion. QuickWave delivers also some kind of security procedure that may be enabled by the user and which allows suspending the calculations after N iterations, corresponding to the duration (expressed in FDTD iterations) of defined number of exciting pulses, despite the required energy decay was not achieved.

For more detailed discussion regarding energy stop criterion is given in Energy simulation stop criterion.

The Enable Energy Stop Criterion option allows enabling the usage of energy stop criterion in the simulation. If this option is checked, the following parameters can be set:

Energy Level descent - relative energy threshold level, at which the computation should be suspended or stopped

Energy Level report every - relative energy step every which subsequent stages are logged in the Simulator Log window of QW-Simulator

Energy Level probing every - number of periods every which the energy level is checked

S-Parameters stabilisation within - the tolerance for S-Parameters results stabilisation

Pulses number limit - the computation should be suspended or stopped, despite the required energy decay was not achieved, when the simulation reaches the number of iterations equal to pulses number limit expressed in FDTD iterations

Save S-Parameters when stop criterion met – instructs QW-Simulator to save S-Parameters to the *.da3 file when stop criterion is met

Freeze simulation when stop criterion met – instructs QW-Simulator to freeze the simulation to the *.sfr file when stop criterion is met

Suspend simulation when stop criterion met – instructs QW-Simulator to suspend the simulation when stop criterion met

Continue after pulses number limit reached – instructs QW-Simulator to continue simulation after pulses number limit is reached