15.2.2                SAVE commands

·         Freeze


The state of QW-Simulator with all its variables will be frozen to f_name.sfr file. Simulation may be defrozen later and resumed from the file f_name.sfr starting at iteration number frozen in the file at the freeze operation.

·         FreezeRot


The state of QW-Simulator with all its variables and with rotation will be frozen to f_name.sfr file. Simulation may be defrozen later and resumed from the file f_name.sfr starting at iteration number frozen in the file at the freeze operation.

·         Dump_Fields


Stores the values of all field components, in all layers of the circuit, at the current iteration, to a text file f_name.dmp.

·         Save_Results 


QW_3D / SuperCompact / TouchStone / QW_Pure / QW_Pure_CSV

Equivalent to Save_S_Results, obsolete and maintained for compatibility with previous versions.

·         Save_S_Results


QW_3D / SuperCompact / TouchStone / QW_Pure / QW_Pure_CSV

S-parameter results of current (suspended) simulation are saved to the r_name.ext file. Note that if the *.ext extension is not specified, the software will insert the default extension *.da3. See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

·         Save_S_Results_Extended


QW_Extended / QW_Pure_Extended / QW_Pure_Extended_CSV

Extended S-parameter results of current (suspended) simulation are saved to the r_name.ext file. Note that if the *.ext extension not specified, the software will insert the default extension *.da3. See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

·         Save_SMN_Results


QW_3D / SuperCompact / TouchStone / QW_Pure /QW_Pure_Extended_CSV

SMN-parameter results of current (suspended) simulation are saved to the r_name.ext file. Note that if the *.ext extension is not specified, the software will insert the default extension *.da3. See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

·         Save_S_Results_Shift


QW_3D / SuperCompact / TouchStone / QW_Pure /QW_Pure_Extended_CSV







S-parameter results of current (suspended) simulation with virtually shifted reference planes are saved to the F_NAME file. Note that if the *.ext extension not specified, the software will insert the default extension *.da3. See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

·         Save_FD_Probing_Results


QW_3D / SuperCompact / TouchStone / QW_FD_Probing_Pure / QW_FD_Probing_Pure_CSV

FD-Probing results of current (suspended) simulation are saved to the r_name.ext file. Note that if the *.ext extension not specified, the software will insert the default extension *.da3. If there is more than one probe in the project, the results are saved for the first encountered probe. See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

·         Save_FD_Probing_Results_Extended


QW_3D / SuperCompact / TouchStone / QW_Pure / QW_FD_Probing_Pure / QW_FD_Probing_Pure_CSV



FD-Probing results of current (suspended) simulation are saved to the r_name_probename.ext files; a separate file is created for each probe and qualified with this probe name. Note that if the *.ext extension is not specified, the software will insert the default extension *.da3. See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

All_Probes – means that the results will be saved for all probes defined in the project.

CURVES – can be All_Curves (all results will be saved) or U (only |U| and <U results will be saved) or I (only |I| and <I results will be saved) or Z (only |Z|, <Z, Re(Z) and Im(Z) results willbe saved) or Y (only |Y|, <Y, Re(Y) and Im(Y) results will be saved) or S (only |S_**| and <S_** results will be saved) or L (only L results will be saved) or C (only C results will be saved) or Ep (only Ep results will be saved) or Hp (only Hp results will be saved). Also unrestricted combination (except All_Curves) are possible.

 U I (only |U|, <U, |I| and <I results will be saved).

·         Save_Contour_Results


QW_3D / SuperCompact / TouchStone / QW_Pure / QW_Pure_CSV


Contour results of name ‘Contour Name’ of current (suspended) simulation are saved to the r_name.ext file. Note that if the *.ext extension not specified, the software will insert the default extension *.da3. See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

·         Save_Combine_Contour_Results


QW_3D / SuperCompact / TouchStone / QW_Pure / QW_Pure_CSV



Combined results for the two contours of names ‘Contour Name1’ and ‘Contour Name2’ of current (suspended) simulation are saved to the r_name.ext file. Note that if the *.ext extension not specified, the software will insert the default extension *.da3. See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

·         Save_Antenna_Results


X / Y / Z

phi  /  theta



Radiation pattern of the antenna versus angle is saved to r_name.da3 file. The user specifies reference axis (X, Y, Z correspond to the coordinate axes of the project, they must be upper-case letters) and chooses variable angle (phi concerns horizontal characteristics and theta - vertical; they must be written in lower-case letters). See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

<const_angle_value> - value of constant angle (the one not chosen as variable angle) in degrees - range for phi is <0; 360> and for theta <-90;90>,

<variable_angle_step> - step of variable angle in degrees - recommended values are 5, 2 or 1.

·         Save_Antenna_Results_Extended


QW_3D / QW_Antenna_Pure / QW_Antenna_Pure_CSV / SAC / GRASP

X / Y / Z [<EulerAlfa> <EulerBeta> <EulerGamma>]

phi / theta [<ground_planes_nb>]








onlynear / nearfar [Directive / Power / Absolute / Absolute_Pav / Relative / Fields_at_1m]

Radiation pattern of the antenna versus angle is saved to r_name.da3 file. The user specifies data file format (SAC and GRASP is only for V2D version of QuickWave), reference axis (X, Y, Z correspond to the coordinate axes of the project, they must be upper-case letters) and chooses variable angle (phi concerns horizontal characteristics and theta - vertical; they must be written in lower-case letters). See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

<EulerAlfa> <EulerBeta> <EulerGamma> - Euler angles,

<ground_planes_nb> - number of ground planes,

<const_angle_value> - value of constant angle (the one not chosen as variable angle) in degrees - range for phi is <0; 360> and for theta <-90; 90>,

<variable_angle_step> - step of variable angle in degrees - recommended values are 5, 2 or 1,

<variable_angle_to> - variable angle in degrees of last value,

<X_POS>,<Y_POS>.<Z_POS> are reference point coordinates in NTF calculations

onlynear / nearfar – method of radiated power calculation,

[Directive / Power / Absolute / Absolute_Pav / Relative / Fields_at_1m] – gain reference.

·         Save_Antenna_Results_Extended_Walls


QW_3D / QW_Antenna_Pure / QW_Antenna_Pure_CSV / SAC / GRASP

X / Y / Z [<EulerAlfa> <EulerBeta> <EulerGamma>]

phi / theta [<ground_planes_nb>]








onlynear / nearfar [Directive / Power / Absolute / Absolute_Pav / Relative / Fields_at_1m]

<–X +X -Y +Y –Z +Z>

This task is the same as Save_Antenna_Results_Extended but has also possibility to switch on or off the NTF Walls. See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

<–X +X -Y +Y –Z +Z> parameters 0 or 1 for each NTF Wall. Value of 1 means that this NTF Wall is switched OFF.

·         Save_Circuar_Antenna_Results_Extended_Walls


QW_3D / QW_Antenna_Pure / QW_Antenna_Pure_CSV / SAC / GRASP

X / Y / Z [<EulerAlfa> <EulerBeta> <EulerGamma>]

phi / theta [<ground_planes_nb>]








onlynear / nearfar [Directive / Power / Absolute / Absolute_Pav / Relative / Fields_at_1m]

<–X +X -Y +Y –Z +Z>

This task is the same as Save_Antenna_Results_Extended_Walls but for circular polarization of antenna characteristics. See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

·         Save_Antenna_Fixed_Angle_Results


QW_3D / QW_Pure / QW_Pure_CSV


Antenna fixed angle results are saved to file with user specified data file format. See Save Results Formats chapter for more information about available formats.

PPOSNAME - postprocessing name or All_Postprocessings (default).

If only one postprocessing is selected, the results are saved to r_name.da3 file. If All_Postprocessing option is selected, the results for each NTF Fixed Angle postprocessing are saved to a separate file, qualified with the postprocessing name.

·         Save_Line_Envelope



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / E / H / SAR / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens / TEMPERATURE / ENTHALPY

X / Y / Z





This task should be preceded by the RunIter task with parameter No_of_It1. The simulation will be continued until No_of_It, and between No_of_It1 and No_of_It envelope (along a particular line parallel to one of the coordinate axes) of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME will be calculated. This envelope will not be dynamically displayed, but at iteration No_of_It saved to file F_NAME.

·         Save_Fields_Along_Contour



Econtour / Hcontour



This task should be preceded by the RunIter task with parameter No_of_It1. The simulation will be continued until No_of_It, and between No_of_It1 and No_of_It envelope (along contour of name Contour_NAME) of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME will be calculated and at iteration No_of_It saved to file F_NAME.

·         Save_Time_Probes



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / E / H / UPoint / IPoint / SAR / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens / TEMPERATURE / ENTHALPY / Waveform / Ephi / Etheta / EPoint / HPoint







Time probes of the chosen component, in subcircuit S_NAME will be saved to files with consecutive tpd, tpd1, tpd2,… extensions. The files are saved in sub-directories of the project directory, and sub-directory name is qualified with the name of the component and system date at the moment of creating the subdirectory.

<Nb_of_It> – number of time samples per file,

<Nb_of_files> – number of files to be saved; 0 means infinite number of files and causes that QW‑Simulator will not proceed to consecutive tasks,

Probe_NAME - for UPoint, IPoint, EPoint, HPoint - name of the probe or All_Probes

- for Waveform – name of source

- for Ephi or Etheta – name of NTF Fixed Angle postprocessing

- for other components No_Probe

<Xcell>, <Ycell>, <Zcell> - coordinates of the FDTD cell (irrelevant for UPoint, IPoint, EPoint, HPoint, Waveform, Ephi, Etheta)

·         Save_Time_Probes_Extended_Dir



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / E / H / UPoint / IPoint / SAR / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens / TEMPERATURE / ENTHALPY / Waveform / Ephi / Etheta / EPoint / HPoint





<Nb_of_files>  <Nb_of_Every_It>



This task is the same as Save_Time_Probes but time probes will be saved in SUBDIR sub-directory.

·         Save_Plane_Envelope_Aver



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / E / H / SAR / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens / TEMPERATURE / ENTHALPY / ExH / Sx / Sy / Sz

Plane_XY / Plane_XZ / Plane_YZ



This task should be preceded by the RunIter task with parameter No_of_It1. The simulation will be continued until No_of_It, and between No_of_It1 and No_of_It envelope Aver of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME, in chosen Plane and <layer> will be calculated. This envelope will not be dynamically displayed, but at iteration No_of_It saved to file F_NAME.

·         Save_Plane_Envelope_Max



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / E / H / SAR / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens / TEMPERATURE / ENTHALPY / ExH / Sx / Sy / Sz

Plane_XY / Plane_XZ / Plane_YZ



This task should be preceded by the RunIter task with parameter No_of_It1. The simulation will be continued until No_of_It, and between No_of_It1 and No_of_It envelope Max of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME, in chosen Plane and <layer> will be calculated. This envelope will not be dynamically displayed, but at iteration No_of_It saved to file F_NAME.

·         Save_Plane_Instantaneous



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / E / H / SAR / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens / TEMPERATURE / ENTHALPY / ExH / Sx / Sy / Sz

Plane_XY / Plane_XZ / Plane_YZ


The instantaneous field of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME, in chosen Plane and <layer> will be saved to file F_NAME.

·         Save_Volume_Envelope



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / E / H / SAR / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens / TEMPERATURE / ENTHALPY / ExH / Sx / Sy / Sz and optional MESH_YES and/or SHAPE_NO and/orDEFAULTFORMAT_NO and/or DENSE_REGIONS_ONLY








Max / Aver

This task should be preceded by the RunIter task with parameter No_of_It1. Starting from No_of_It1 envelope of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME, in chosen sub-volume will be calculated through No_of_It ierations. This envelope will not be dynamically displayed, but at iteration No_of_It saved to file F_NAME  in the format defined by the optional parameters (MESH_YES - nodes coordinates in X, Y, Z directions included; SHAPE_NO - link to *.sh3 file instead of full sh3 part; DEFAULTFORMAT_NO - four values in the line, where first three stand for coordinates of the point where the  component value is calculated (the fourth value in the line).

·         Save_Full_Volume_Envelope



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / E / H / SAR / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens / TEMPERATURE / ENTHALPY / ExH / Sx / Sy / Sz


Max / Aver

This task should be preceded by the RunIter task with parameter No_of_It1. Starting from No_of_It1

envelope of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME, in whole volume will be calculated through No_of_It ierations. This envelope will not be dynamically displayed, but at iteration No_of_It saved to file F_NAME.

·         Save_Volume_Instantaneous



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / E / H / SAR / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens / TEMPERATURE / ENTHALPY / ExH / Sx / Sy / Sz and optional MESH_YES and/or SHAPE_NO and/orDEFAULTFORMAT_NO and/or DENSE_REGIONS_ONLY







The instantaneous field of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME, in chosen sub-volume will be saved to file F_NAME in the format defined by the optional parameters (MESH_YES - nodes coordinates in X, Y, Z directions included; SHAPE_NO - link to *.sh3 file instead of full sh3 part; DEFAULTFORMAT_NO - four values in the line, where first three stand for coordinates of the point where the  component value is calculated (the fourth value in the line).

·         Save_Full_Volume_Instantaneous



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / E / H / SAR / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens / TEMPERATURE / ENTHALPY / ExH / Sx / Sy / Sz

The instantaneous field of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME, in whole volume will be saved to file F_NAME.

·         Save_Pdiss_Energy_QF



pdiss_dense_regions_only/energy_dense_regions_only/pdiss_energy_dense_regions_only/ All_Region


This task should be preceded by the RunIter task with parameter No_of_It1. The simulation will be continued until No_of_It, and between No_of_It1 and No_of_It power, energy and Q-Factor in subcircuit S_NAME will be calculated and at iteration No_of_It saved to file F_NAME. The third line of parameters allows controlling regions of integration: All_Region entails that power and energy are integrated over the whole circuit; pdiss_dense_regions_only / energy_dense_regions_only / pdiss_energy_dense_regions_only reduce the regions of integration of only power / only energy/ both power and energy to regions of non-zero material density. In the case of periodic (3DP) circuits the integartion is always restricted to the real grid.

·         Save_Fields_Monitor



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / Sx / Sy / Sz / E / H / ExH / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens

Re / Im



The fields monitor data of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME, for the <fdm_wall_number> monitor wall and <fdm_frequency> monitor frequency will be saved in F_NAME file. Please note that Re / Im parameter is ignored for others components that Sx, Sy, Sz.

·         Save_Fields_Monitor_3D



Ex / Ey / Ez / Hx / Hy / Hz / Sx / Sy / Sz / E / H / ExH / Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens

Re / Im



The fields monitor 3D data of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME, for the <fdm_box_number> monitor box and <fdm_frequency> monitor frequency will be saved in F_NAME file. Please note that Re / Im parameter is ignored for others components that Sx, Sy, Sz.

·         Save_All_Components_Monitor_3D


The fields monitor 3D data for chosen monitor name FDM_NAME and all field components and all monitor frequencies will be saved in to separate files.

·         Save_Volume_Integrated



Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens and optional MESH_YES and/or SHAPE_NO and/orDEFAULTFORMAT_NO and/or DENSE_REGIONS_ONLY








The integrated field of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME, in chosen sub-volume will be saved to the file F_NAME in the format defined by the optional parameters (MESH_YES - nodes coordinates in X, Y, Z directions included; SHAPE_NO - link to *.sh3 file instead of full sh3 part; DEFAULTFORMAT_NO - four values in the line, where first three stand for coordinates of the point where the  component value is calculated (the fourth value in the line).

·         Save_Full_Volume_Integrated



Pdiss / PdissE / PdissH / Pdens


The integrated field of the chosen field component, in subcircuit S_NAME, in the whole volume will be saved to file F_NAME.

·         Save_Pdiss_Energy_QF_ReIm



pdiss_dense_regions_only/energy_dense_regions_only/pdiss_energy_dense_regions_only/ All_Region

Re / Im


This task should be preceded by the RunIter task with parameter No_of_It1. The simulation will be continued until No_of_It, and between No_of_It1 and No_of_It power, energy and Q-Factor in subcircuit S_NAME will be calculated and at iteration No_of_It saved to file F_NAME. The third line of parameters allows controlling regions of integration: All_Region entails that power and energy are integrated over the whole circuit; pdiss_dense_regions_only / energy_dense_regions_only / pdiss_energy_dense_regions_only reduce the regions of integration of only power / only energy/ both power and energy to regions of non-zero material density. Parameter Re/Im makes a selection of  real/imaginary grid.

·         Save_Pdiss_Energy_QF_ReIm_Media




Re / Im



This task is the same as Save_Pdiss_Energy_QF_ReIm with additional list of medium names which are used in the calculations MEDIUM1, MEDIUM2 etc. separated by space.

·         Save_Enthalpy_ReIm



dense_regions/ All_Region

Re / Im


This task should be preceded by the RunIter task with parameter No_of_It1. The simulation will be continued until No_of_It, and between No_of_It1 and No_of_It enthalpy in subcircuit S_NAME will be calculated and at iteration No_of_It saved to file F_NAME. The third line of parameters allows controlling regions of integration: All_Region enthalpy is integrated over the whole circuit; dense_regions reduce the regions of integration to regions of non-zero material density. Parameter Re/Im makes selection of real/imaginary grid.

·         Save_Enthalpy_ReIm_Media




Re / Im



This task is the same as Save_Enthalpy_ReIm with additional list of medium names which are used in the calculations MEDIUM1, MEDIUM2 etc. separated by space.

·         Save_ExH_Time_Integral_Results






Time Integral ExH or Poynting vector components are saved in chosen directory (in SUBDIR sub-directory) to the specified file.

PPOSNAME - postprocessing name or All_Postprocessings (default).

COMPONENTS - components name separated with space (Sx Sy Sz ExH) or All_Components (default).

·         Save_Calculated_ExH_Time_Integral_Results







Time Integral ExH or Poynting vector components calculated for specified number of iterations <Nb_of_It>  are saved in chosen directory (in SUBDIR sub-directory) to the specified file.

PPOSNAME - postprocessing name or All_Postprocessings (default).

COMPONENTS - components name separated with space (Sx Sy Sz ExH) or All_Components (default).

·         Save_Opened_Windows_Picture

Save all opened windows (View Results, View Fields, View Monitor, View Envelope) view to the *.png files. The name of the separate files are set automatically as:



<PROJECTFULLNAME> - full name of the project including path

<WINDOWTYPE> - string describing the type of window: "vr" for View Results,"vf" for View Fields,"vm" for View Monitor,"ve" for View Envelope

<ITERATION> - number of current iteration of simulation