4.10.1 Exporting components
Export (save) of displayed components is available to the following file formats:
QuickWave plane instantaneous components native format: *.fi3
QuickWave plane instantaneous components CSV text format: *.csv
QuickWave plane envelope components native format: *.fe3
QuickWave plane envelope components CSV text format: *.csv
QuickWave volume instantaneous components native format: *.vi3
QuickWave volume envelope components native format: *.ve3
Export (save) of all six instantaneous field components is available to the following file formats:
QuickWave dump fields native format: *.dmp, *.dm1, *.dm2 …
The displayed 2D/3D results can be exported as a picture in the following file formats:
Bitmap format: *.bmp
JPG format: *.jpg
PNG format: *.png
Copy to Clipboard Exporting plane instantaneous/envelope component
2D/3D Fields Distribution window allows exporting plane instantaneous component (if envelope calculations is not activated) to the *.fi3 and plane envelope component (if envelope calculations is activated) to the *.fe3 file with button in Envelope and Export tabs and Export->Save Plane Env./Inst.… command from main menu or context menu.
It stores either instantaneous pattern or envelope of the currently displayed component, in the current layer of the circuit, to a text file.
Example 1: format of plane instantaneous components *.fi3 file
! Quick Wave Plane Instantaneous Fields dump file ver. 3.0
! Program version v2018:2018.07.24 INTERNAL HN64,OMP
! Computer time = Mon Aug 20 12:55:04 2018
! Task name - …/qw_examp/QW_3D/Standard/Antennas/Holen/holen1.ta3
! Plane - Plane XY
! Component - Ey
! Rotation - 0 deg
! Iteration number = 2727
! Current FDTD time [ns]= 3.70755743e+000
! Time step [ns]= 1.40357808e-003
! Xdist
-2.00000000e+001 -1.90000000e+001 -1.80000000e+001 -1.70000000e+001 …
! Ydist
-2.25726585e+001 -2.16306190e+001 -2.06885796e+001 -1.97465401e+001 …
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 …
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 3.59738834e-007 -8.06966909e-007 -3.52037091e-006 …
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 1.75596085e-007 -9.26836208e-007 -3.17772310e-006 …
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 …
! shape_buf_length=346198
! sh3
QW_3D Subcircuit shape file v3.0
Example 2: format of plane envelope component *.fe3 file
! Quick Wave Fields Envelope dump file ver. 3.0
! Program version v2018:2018.07.24 INTERNAL HN64,OMP
! Computer time = Mon Aug 20 13:05:07 2018
! Task name - …/qw_examp/QW_3D/Standard/Antennas/Holen/holen1.ta3
! Plane - Plane XY
! Component - Ey
! Rotation - 0 deg
! Start iteration number = 2727
! Stop iteration number = 2820
! Current FDTD time [ns]= 3.83809019e+000
! Time step [ns]= 1.40357808e-003
! Xdist
-2.00000000e+001 -1.90000000e+001 -1.80000000e+001 -1.70000000e+001 …
! Ydist
-2.25726585e+001 -2.16306190e+001 -2.06885796e+001 -1.97465401e+001 …
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 …
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 2.94387337e-006 2.72744023e-006 3.52037091e-006 …
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 3.00920033e-006 2.79242431e-006 3.17772310e-006 …
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 …
! shape_buf_length=346198
! sh3
QW_3D Subcircuit shape file v3.0
The file contains a header with general information, followed by three data blocks.
The "x_max" and "y_max" titles are followed by the number of cells in each direction.
The data are dumped in the selected layer, and layers have consecutive numbers starting from 0. Please bear in mind that layers displayed in QW-Simulator are numbered beginning from 1. It means that the envelope values in the 24th layer (as displayed in the simulator) will be marked with lay=23 title in the file.
The first and second data blocks (following !Xdist and !Ydist titles, respectively) contain positions of successive cell boundaries in selected layer. The number of cell boundaries is greater by one than the number of cells in respective direction.
The third data block contains instantaneous or envelope values. The number of values in one raw is equal to the number of cells in respective direction. Please remember that dumped will be the partially unnormalised field values – the same as seen in the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window
The fourth block (following the "! shape_buf_length=" title) contains shape information is the same format as *.sh3 file.
2D/3D Fields Distribution window allows exporting plane instantaneous component (if envelope calculations is not activated) and plane envelope component (if envelope calculations is activated) to the *.csv CSV text file with button in Export tab and Export->Save Plane Env./Inst to CSV… command from main menu or context menu.
It stores either instantaneous pattern or envelope of the currently displayed component, in the current layer of the circuit, to a CSV text file. Additional information are saved in the form of header with general information (the same as in *.fe3 file) in the *_header.csv file.
Example 3: format of plane instantaneous components *.csv file
0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 …
0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 …
0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.48679965e-06 8.19167269e-07 3.62586570e-06 …
0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 7.00774024e-07 1.55554858e-06 3.10775454e-06 …
0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 2.00013051e-06 2.04289768e-06 1.35034577e-06 …
Example 4: format of plane instantaneous component *_header.csv file
! Quick Wave Plane Instantaneous Fields dump file ver. 4.0
! Program version v2020:2020.11.06 HN64,OMP
! Computer time = Wed Nov 11 16:13:48 2020
! Task name - …/qw_examp/QW_3D/Standard/Antennas/Holen/holen10.ta3
! Iteration number = 2727
! Current FDTD time [ns] = 3.70755743e+00
! Time step [ns] = 1.40357808e-03
! Subcircuit Name - holen1
! Subcircuit Type - t3d.
! Plane - Plane XY
! Component - E
! Rotation - 0 deg
! Xdist
-2.00000000e+01 -1.90000000e+01 -1.80000000e+01 -1.70000000e+01 -1.60000000e+01
! Ydist
-2.25726585e+01 -2.16306190e+01 -2.06885796e+01 -1.97465401e+01 -1.88045006e+01
! shape_buf_length=346242
! sh3
QW_3D Subcircuit shape file v3.0 Exporting volume instantaneous/envelope component
2D/3D Fields Distribution window allows exporting volume instantaneous component (if envelope calculations is not activated) to the *.vi3 and volume envelope component (if envelope calculations is activated) to the *.ve3 file with button in Envelope and Export tabs and Export->Save Volume Env./Inst.… command from main menu or context menu. The user-defined sub-volume of the computational domain can be set in the appearing Volume Export Settings dialogue.
Example 5: format of volume instantaneous components *.vi3 file
! Quick Wave Volume Field file ver. 3.7
! Program version v2018:2018.07.24 INTERNAL HN64,OMP
! Computer time = Mon Aug 20 12:55:11 2018
! Task name - …/qw_examp/QW_3D/Standard/Antennas/Holen/holen1.ta3
! Iteration number = 2727
! Current FDTD time [ns] = 3.70755743e+000
! Time step [ns] = 1.40357808e-003
! Component - Ey
! Subcircuit Type - t3d.
! Unit - mm
! MinX - MaxX =1 52
! MinY - MaxY =1 47
! MinZ - MaxZ =1 44
! Data format = Default
! Shift xdist(0) ydist(0) zdist(0) 1.0 0.5 1.0
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
1.66372047e-006 2.78345078e-006 -5.51447101e-007 -1.05812796e-006 -1.42967738e-005
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
! shape_buf_length=346198
! sh3
QW_3D Subcircuit shape file v3.0
Example 6: format of volume envelope components *.ve3 file
! Quick Wave Volume Field file ver. 3.7
! Program version v2018:2018.07.24 INTERNAL HN64,OMP
! Computer time = Mon Aug 20 12:58:31 2018
! Task name - …/qw_examp/QW_3D/Standard/Antennas/Holen/holen1.ta3
! Start iteration number = 1135
! Stop iteration number = 2185
! Current FDTD time [ns] = 2.94681811e+000
! Time step [ns] = 1.40357808e-003
! Component - H
! Subcircuit Type - t3d.
! Unit - mm
! MinX - MaxX =1 52
! MinY - MaxY =1 47
! MinZ - MaxZ =1 44
! Data format = Default
! Shift xdist(0) ydist(0) zdist(0) 0.5 0.5 0.5
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
2.55152903e-004 2.53109669e-004 2.29552810e-004 2.47036311e-004 2.77216721e-004
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
! shape_buf_length=346198
! sh3_name= C:/Users/Public/QWED/v2018x64/qw_examp/QW_3D/Standard/Antennas/Holen/holen1.sh3
Example 7: format of volume envelope components *.ve3 file saved with X,Y,Z Coordinates option
! Quick Wave Volume Field file ver. 4.0
! Program version v2018:2018.07.24 INTERNAL H164,OMP
! Computer time = Tue Aug 28 09:33:44 2018
! Task name - …/qw_examp/QW_3D/Standard/Antennas/Holen/holen1.ta3
! Start iteration number = 13210
! Stop iteration number = 17499
! Current FDTD time [ns] = 2.44412129e+001
! Time step [ns] = 1.40357808e-003
! Subcircuit Name - holen1
! Subcircuit Type - t3d.
! Component - Ex
! Unit - mm
! MinX - MaxX =1 52
! MinY - MaxY =1 47
! MinZ - MaxZ =1 44
! Data format = Extended
! Shift xdist(0) ydist(0) zdist(0) 0.5 1.0 1.0
-1.95000000e+001 -2.16306190e+001 -2.06885796e+001 0.00000000e+000
-1.85000000e+001 -2.16306190e+001 -2.06885796e+001 0.00000000e+000
-1.75000000e+001 -2.16306190e+001 -2.06885796e+001 0.00000000e+000
! shape_buf_length=346192
! sh3
QW_3D Subcircuit shape file v3.0
Example 8: format of volume envelope components *.ve3 file saved with FDTD Mesh option
! Quick Wave Volume Field file ver. 4.0
! Program version v2018:2018.07.24 INTERNAL H164,OMP
! Computer time = Tue Aug 28 09:33:32 2018
! Task name - …/qw_examp/QW_3D/Standard/Antennas/Holen/holen1.ta3
! Start iteration number = 13210
! Stop iteration number = 17499
! Current FDTD time [ns] = 2.44412129e+001
! Time step [ns] = 1.40357808e-003
! Subcircuit Name - holen1
! Subcircuit Type - t3d.
! Component - Ex
! Unit - mm
! MinX - MaxX =1 52
! MinY - MaxY =1 47
! MinZ - MaxZ =1 44
! Xdist - size = 52
! -2.00000000e+001 -1.90000000e+001 -1.80000000e+001 -1.70000000e+001 …
! Ydist - size = 47
! -2.25726585e+001 -2.16306190e+001 -2.06885796e+001 -1.97465401e+001 …
! Zdist - size = 44
! -2.16885796e+001 -2.06885796e+001 -1.96885796e+001 -1.86885796e+001 …
! Z2dist - size= 88
! -2.16885796e+001 -2.11885796e+001 -2.06885796e+001 -2.01885796e+001 …
! Data format = Default
! Shift xdist(0) ydist(0) zdist(0) 0.5 1.0 1.0
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
2.19800242e-007 2.81852635e-007 3.25519665e-007 3.34024094e-007 2.87245967e-007
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
! shape_buf_length=346192
! sh3
QW_3D Subcircuit shape file v3.0
In the header, the keyword INSTANTANEOUS says that the data saved to the file are the instantaneous data. When a file contains envelope data the header contains the keyword ENVELOPE instead.
The Component keyword specifies the field component
The Data format keyword describes the type of data format: e.g. Default
The data in the file are limited to a region selected by the user. The boundaries of the region are denoted by the MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY and MinZ, MaxZ keywords. The boundaries of the region can be set in the Volume Export Settings dialogue
The number of field values in one row is limited to 5.
Values of components are arranged along x, then along y, and then along z, i.e.: E(MinX,MinY,MinZ) E(MinX+1,MinY,MinZ)... E(MinX,MinY+1,MinZ) E(MinX+1,MinY+1,MinZ) ... E(MinX,MaxY,MaxZ+1) E(MinX+1,MaxY,MaxZ+1) ...
The component values are followed by the *.sh3 file that described the geometry of the project. It depends on the save options set in the Save Format Options dialogue.
With X,Y,Z Coordinates option (Data format: Extended), there are 4 values given. Saved component value is preceded with coordinates of the point in which the component was calculated.
With FDTD Mesh option, additional information about mesh nodes is given. Xdist, Ydist, Zdist stand for coordinates of consecutive nodes in X, Yand Z direction respectively. Using Shift xdist, ydist and zdist, coordinates of a point, in which a component value was calculated, can be retrieved.
It should be noted that volume instantaneous files (*.vi3) with temperature distribution in the heated object(s) saved when QW-Simulator works in QW-BHM regime, contain the values of average temperature (arithmetic and volume) for the considered volume. Exporting of all six instantaneous field components
2D/3D Fields Distribution window allows exporting all six instantaneous field components to the *.dmp, *.dm1, *.dm2 … consecutive files with button in Export tab and Export->Dump Fields… command from main menu or context menu.
It will store in a text file the values of all six field components, in all layers of the circuit, at the current iteration. The name of the text file is generated automatically: it is the name of the tasker file with extension *.dmp, *.dm1,..,*.d99 for successive dumps. Thus the user can save up to 100 dump files per project. Note that for practical circuits these files are large and occupy extensive disk space, so this option should only be used when necessary. The content of the file depends on the option Dump Fields (U) selected in the 2D/3D Fields tab in the Preferences dialogue.
Example 9: format of *.dmp, *.dm1, *.dm2 … files with of all six field components
! Quick Wave Fields component dump file ver. 2.0
! Program version v2018:2018.07.27 INTERNAL HN64
! Computer time = Tue Aug 20 17:50:49 2018
! Task name - …/qw_examp/QW_3D/Standard/Antennas/Holen/holen1.ta3
! Iteration number = 410
! Current FDTD time [ns] = 4.55467013e-001
! Time step [ns] = 1.40357808e-003
! Subcircuit Type - t3d.
! Xdist
-2.00000000e+001 -1.90000000e+001 -1.80000000e+001 -1.70000000e+001 -1.60000000e+001 …
! Ydist
-2.25726585e+001 -2.16306190e+001 -2.06885796e+001 -1.97465401e+001 -1.88045006e+001 …
! Zdist
-2.16885796e+001 -2.06885796e+001 -1.96885796e+001 -1.86885796e+001 -1.76885796e+001 …
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
4.33551380e-004 2.07858568e-004 2.31730519e-006 -2.61135981e-004 -5.64094575e-004
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
0.00000000e+000 -2.85334932e-003 -3.07726325e-003 -3.28829652e-003 -3.32315383e-003
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
9.98783275e-004 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
2.74917157e-003 3.12296022e-003 3.38670774e-003 3.61794815e-003 3.58658354e-003
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
-7.30221276e-004 -1.41143985e-003 -1.99999637e-003 -2.25615664e-003 -2.08765012e-003
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
1.16671273e-003 6.98023709e-004 -7.32147601e-005 -1.10171037e-003 -2.16096523e-003
0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000
In the header, the values of x, y, z denotes number of cells in respective directions.
Xdist, Ydist, Zdist stand for the following nodes coordinates in X, Yand Z direction respectively.
The number of field values in one row is limited to 5.
Values of field components are arranged along x, then along y, and then along z, i.e.: E(0,0,0) E(1,0,0) ....E(0,1,0) E(1,1,0)....E(0,1,1) E(1,1,1) ....
The last block (following the "! shape_buf_length=" title) contains shape information is the same format as *.sh3 file. Exporting components as a picture
The displayed 2D/3D results can be exported as a picture to *.bmp, *.jpg, or *.png file format by using ,
buttons from Export tab and Export->Export to… or Export->Save Picture… commands from main menu or context menu. The picture quality (the default is the best quality) for JPG format can be set in the View tab in the Preferences dialogue.
The displayed 2D/3D results can be copied to the Clipboard using button from Export tab and Export->Copy to Clipboard command from main menu or context menu.