15.2Syntax of tasker files

This Section summarises the tasks, which can be included in tasker files and handled by QW‑Simulator. Some of them are generated by QW-Editor (and these are written in bold), other ones should be inserted manually using text editor.

General remarks:

Any task begins with a keyword (upper/lower case sensitive). A majority of tasks require additional parameters, which are given in one or more consecutive lines according to the format:






Two typical parameters are:

F_NAME        - string                        - name of file, subcircuit etc. (also R_NAME, S_NAME, P_NAME, Pi_NAME...)

No_of_It         - integer          - number of iterations

No_of_Ports   - integer          - number of ports.

The format:

par1 / par2/ . ./parN

means that a particular parameter can assume only one of the N listed values (which are numbers or strings).

Parameters represented by:


are optional and can be not set.

Other parameters represented by:


are explained separately.


The tasker commands are described in the following chapters:

·         RUN commands

·         SAVE commands

·         VIEW commands

·         OPTIMISER commands

·         MODIFY MEDIA commands

·         S-PARAMETERS commands

·         Other commands

·         Commands not included in Breakpoints

·         Tasks for running QProny module

·         Tasker commands in alphabetic order