4.11.10 V2D Plane Settings
The button in Display tab and Type->Vector->V2D Plane… command from main menu or context menu invoke V2D Plane Settings dialogue for setting plane for V2D projects.
It is available for V2D projects and allows viewing the display in E-plane, H-plane, Mixed plane (half-angle between E- and H-planes, e.g., at 45 degrees for n=1 modes) or Multi planes (additional visualisation of E fields). For Poynting vector, it allows viewing either Power Density or Power Flux through a ring 2π*rho*d_rho, the latter one reflecting increasing flux in consecutive rings around the axis due to increasing cross-section away from the axis. The information about currently displayed plane is shown in title bar. This option is available for Poynting vector for all kinds of display and for total electric and total magnetic field components for Vector 3D display.