5.6 Fields Monitoring
The Fields Monitor window allows dynamic monitoring of field distributions at selected frequencies from data extracted by Fourier transforming of the results of simulation obtained with pulse excitation. For such monitoring the Fields Monitor 3D box or 2D plane shoud be introduced in the project and FD-Monitors post-processing must be activated before launching the simulation.
Fields Monitor 3D box allows dynamic monitoring of field in a defined volume:
Fields Monitor 2D plane allows dynamic monitoring of field in a defined plane:
For QW-V2D projects, Fields Monitor 2D plane allows dynamic monitoring of field in a defined plane:
If more than one fields monitor have been set, the button in Monitor tab or Monitor->Next Monitor command from main menu or context menu switches to the next fields monitor.
If more than one frequency has been set for fields monitor, the button in Monitor tab or Monitor->Next Frequency command from main menu or context menu switches to the next frequency. The Monitor->Previous Frequency command from main menu or context menu switches to the previous frequency
The button in Monitor tab or Monitor->Monitors… command from main menu or context menu opens Monitors Settings dialogue for choosing fields monitor and frequency for the display.
The animation of the displayed fields monitor component is available for QW-3D projects and volume fields monitors only (with Fields Monitor 3D box defined). The button in Monitor tab or Monitor->Animate Monitor Fields command from main menu or context menu starts the animation. After starting the animation, the
button will change to
button and Monitor->Animate Monitor Fields command will change to Monitor->Suspend Animate Monitor Fields command, which allow suspending the animiation. The
button in Monitor tab or Monitor->Delay Animate Monitor Fields… command from main menu or context menu opens the Delay dialogue for setting delay for field animation. Animation can be stopped using
button in Monitor tab or Monitor->Stop Animate Monitor Fields command from main menu or context menu.
Note that the animation of the displayed fields monitor component is not available with active sub-volume set in the Volume Limit dialogue.