5.1.1    Ribbon

Fields Monitor window Ribbon contains of the following tabs:







For QW-3D projects the following components are available:


For QW-3D projects the following amplitude components are available:

button_comp_ex - displays amplitude of Ex component of electric field

button_comp_ey - displays amplitude of Ey component of electric field

button_comp_ez - displays amplitude of Ez component of electric field

 - displays maximum amplitude of electric field E

 - displays root mean square value of electric field E

button_comp_hx - displays amplitude of Hx component of magnetic field

button_comp_hy - displays amplitude of Hy component of magnetic field

button_comp_hz - displays amplitude of Hz component of magnetic field

button_comp_pd - displays amplitude of power dissipated

button_comp_pd2 - displays amplitude of power dissipated density

button_comp_pde - displays amplitude of power dissipated in electric losses

button_comp_pdh - displays amplitude of power dissipated in magnetic losses


For QW-3D projects the following real components are available:


ribbon_components_real_ex - displays real part of Ex component of electric field

ribbon_components_real_ey - displays real part of Ey component of electric field

ribbon_components_real_ez - displays real part of Ez component of electric field

ribbon_components_real_e - displays real part of total electric field E

ribbon_components_real_hx - displays real part of Hx component of magnetic field

ribbon_components_real_hy - displays real part of Hy component of magnetic field

ribbon_components_real_hz - displays real part of Hz component of magnetic field

ribbon_components_real_h - displays real part of total magnetic field H

ribbon_components_real_sx - displays real part of Poynting vector Sx component

ribbon_components_real_sy - displays real part of Poynting vector Sy component

ribbon_components_real_sz - displays real part of Poynting vector Sz component

ribbon_components_real_s - displays real part of total Poynting vector S


For QW-3D projects the following imaginary components are available:


ribbon_components_imag_ex - displays imaginary part of Ex component of electric field

ribbon_components_imag_ey - displays imaginary part of Ey component of electric field

ribbon_components_imag_ez - displays imaginary part of Ez component of electric field

ribbon_components_imag_e - displays imaginary part of total electric field E

ribbon_components_imag_HX - displays imaginary part of Hx component of magnetic field

ribbon_components_imag_hy - displays imaginary part of Hy component of magnetic field

ribbon_components_imag_hz - displays imaginary part of Hz component of magnetic field

ribbon_components_imag_h - displays imaginary part of total magnetic field H

ribbon_components_imag_sx - displays imaginary part of Poynting vector Sx component

ribbon_components_imag_sy - displays imaginary part of Poynting vector Sy component

ribbon_components_imag_sz - displays imaginary part of Poynting vector Sz component

ribbon_components_imag_s - displays imaginary part of total Poynting vector S



For QW-V2D projects the following components are available:


For QW-V2D projects the following amplitude components are available:


button_comp_ex - displays amplitude of Ex component of electric field

ribbon_components_v2d_erho - displays amplitude of Er component of electric field

ribbon_components_v2d_ephi - displays amplitude of Ej component of electric field

button_comp_hx - displays amplitude of Hx component of magnetic field

ribbon_components_v2d_hrho - displays amplitude of Hr component of magnetic field

ribbon_components_v2d_hphi - displays amplitude of Hj component of magnetic field


For QW-V2D projects the following real components are available:


ribbon_components_real_sx - displays real part of Poynting vector Sx component

ribbon_components_v2d_real_srho - displays real part of Poynting vector Sr component

ribbon_components_v2d_real_sphi - displays real part of Poynting vector Sj component

ribbon_components_real_s - displays real part of total Poynting vector S


For QW-V2D projects the following imaginary components are available:


ribbon_components_imag_sx - displays imaginary part of Poynting vector Sx component

ribbon_components_v2d_imag_srho - displays imaginary part of Poynting vector Sr component

ribbon_components_v2d_imag_sphi - displays imaginary part of Poynting vector Sj component

ribbon_components_imag_s - displays imaginary part of total Poynting vector S



button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the Fields Monitor window Ribbon and shows all Fields Monitor window Toolbars

button_help_components - opens help for Components tab commands (present chapter)   Monitor

ribbon_monitor_nextmonitor - switches to the next fields monitor, if more than one have been set in the project

ribbon_monitor_nextfreq - switches to the next frequency, if more than one have been set for active field monitor

ribbon_monitor_monitors - opens Monitors Settings dialogue for choosing fields monitor and frequency for the display

button_up - changes the layer of cells that is displayed by one layer up

button_down - changes the layer of cells that is displayed by one layer down

button_goto - opens Go to dialogue for changing currently displayed layer

ribbon_monitor_start - starts field animation (after that the button will change to ribbon_monitor_susuepnd). Field animation is available only for Fields Monitor 3D.

ribbon_monitor_delay - opens Delay dialogue for setting delay for field animation

ribbon_monitor_stop - stops field animation

button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the Fields Monitor window Ribbon and shows all Fields Monitor window Toolbars

ribbon_monitor_help - opens help for Monitor tab commands (present chapter)   2D Surface


See 2D Surface for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window chapter for commands description.


button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the Fields Monitor window Ribbon and shows all Fields Monitor window Toolbars

button_help_2dsurface - opens help for 2D Surface tab commands   2D Thermal


See 2D Thermal for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window chapter for commands description.


button_toolbars - hides the Fields Monitor window Ribbon and shows all Fields Monitor window Toolbars

button_help_thermal - opens help for 2D Thermal tab commands   3D Vector


For QW-3D projects the following tab will appear:


For QW-V2D projects the following tab will appear:


See Components chapter and 3D Vector for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window chapter for commands description.


button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the Fields Monitor window Ribbon and shows all Fields Monitor window Toolbars

button_help_vector - opens help for 3D Vector tab commands   Display


See Display for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window chapter for commands description.


button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the Fields Monitor window Ribbon and shows all Fields Monitor window Toolbars

button_help_display - opens help for Display tab commands   Structure


See Structure for 2D/3D Fields Distribution window chapter for commands description.


button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_toolbars - hides the Fields Monitor window Ribbon and shows all Fields Monitor window Toolbars

button_help_structure - opens help for Structure tab commands   Export


ribbon_export_saveall - saves all available components to the *.fm3 files

ribbon_export_savedisp - saves the currently displayed component to the *.fm3 file

ribbon_export_picture - saves the current display to the *.bmp, *.jpg or *.png file

ribbon_export_clipboard - copies the current display to the Clipboard

ribbon_export_bmp - exports the current display to the *.bmp file

ribbon_export_jpg - exports the current display to the *.jpg file

ribbon_export_png - exports the current display to the *.png file

button_goto_display - switches to Display tab

button_goto_structure - switches to Structure tab

button_toolbars - hides the Fields Monitor window Ribbon and shows all Fields Monitor window Toolbars

ribbon_export_help - opens help for Export tab commands (present chapter)