5.8.1    Exporting components

Export (save) of fields monitor components is available to the QuickWave monitor fields native format: *.fm3 file format.


The ribbon_export_saveall button in Export tab and Export->Save All Components command from main menu or context menu save all available components to the *.fm3 files. These files are placed in the project directory, in the subdirectory with the name of the project, the name of current monitor, actual date and time in its name. This is especially convenient when the user wants to invoke fields Animation for monitor fields loaded from file, in which case the entire package of files is required.

Please note that all *.fm3 files will be saved without the shape of the structure and the path to the appropriate *.sh3 shape file will be included in the *.fm3 file as well as the shape file will be copied to this directory.


The ribbon_export_savedisp button in Export tab and Export->Save Displayed Component command from main menu or context menu save the currently displayed component to the *.fm3 file.


Example 1: format of monitor fields *.fm3 file

! Quick Wave FD_Monitor Field file ver. 3.0

! Program version v2018:2018.07.24 INTERNAL HN64

! Computer time = Wed Aug 22 16:30:57 2018

! Task name - …/qw_examp/QW_3D/Standard/Antennas/Horns/horn1_fdm3d.ta3

! Postprocesing name (type) - fdm3d (fdm3d)

! Iteration number = 22283

! Current FDTD time [ns] = 3.64743582e+001

! Time step [ns] = 1.64135701e-003

! Time sparsity [ns] = 1

! Spatial sparsity = 2

! Plane - Plane XY

! Component - Ez

! Amplitude

! Frequency = 2.00000000e+001

! Subcircuit Type - t3d.

! Unit - mm

! MinX - MaxX =6 45

! MinY - MaxY =6 36

! MinZ - MaxZ =10 69

! Xdist - size = 50

! -2.50000000e+001 -2.40000000e+001 -2.30000000e+001 -2.20000000e+001 …

! Ydist - size = 41

! -1.99090996e+001 -1.89545498e+001 -1.80000000e+001 -1.70454502e+001 …

! Zdist - size = 71

! -2.90000000e+001 -2.80000000e+001 -2.70000000e+001 -2.60000000e+001 …

! Shift xdist(0) ydist(0) zdist(0)  1.0  1.0  0.5


2.28959630e-004 2.28959630e-004 2.32846432e-004 2.32846432e-004 2.20460657e-004

2.20460657e-004 1.92189604e-004 1.92189604e-004 1.59897390e-004 1.59897390e-004

4.53124940e-003 4.53124940e-003 3.92676471e-003 3.92676471e-003 3.38705559e-003

3.38705559e-003 2.74159620e-003 2.74159620e-003 2.24074139e-003 2.24074139e-003

! shape_buf_length=439373

! sh3

QW_3D Subcircuit shape file v3.0



Remarks:   Exporting fields as a picture

The displayed fields monitor components can be exported as a picture to *.bmp, *.jpg, or *.png file format by using ribbon_export_bmp, ribbon_export_jpg, ribbon_export_png or ribbon_export_picture buttons from Export tab and Export->Export to… or Export->Save Picture… commands from main menu or context menu. The picture quality (the default is the best quality) for JPG format can be set in the View tab in the Preferences dialogue.

The displayed fields monitor component can be copied to the Clipboard using ribbon_export_clipboard button from Export tab and Export->Copy to Clipboard command from main menu or context menu.