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Improvements in QW-HFM
14. Improvements in QW-HFM

QW-HFM is a module for heat flow modelling, available under QW-BHM licence. It comprises two parts: a built-in FDTD heat diffusion solver and an interface to FluentTM CFD package. In both FDTD and Fluent regimes, anisotropic media parameters have been implemented in version 6.5.

Other version 6.5 enhancements are concerned with boundary conditions. Firstly, in the Fluent mode of operation, external BCs of the Dirichlet type were previously stiff and set to zero, which limited the interface functionality to most typical scenarios. Now they are defined as temperature of the media surrounding the heat diffusion region. This feature has previously been present in the FDTD mode. Secondly, external BCs of the convective type (Robin BC) have been implemented in both FDTD and Fluent regimes. In the FDTD mode it is now also possible to define internal boundary conditions, modelling thermal resistance between two different materials encompassed in the heat diffusion region. The heat transfer coefficient between each pair of heated media is temperature dependent and read from text files like air_beef.pm2, analogous to the *.pmo files of individual media parameters. See Section BHM 4.2.2 for file examples.

Additionally, previous restriction on joint use of heat flow modelling with Freeze function has been alleviated in version 6.5.
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