6.1.4   SAR


QW-3D enables calculations of specific absorption rate (SAR). SAR is calculated only in FDTD cells filled with media, which are declared in the Input Interface simultaneously as:

Please note that density should be specified in [g/cm3].

SAR in a particular FDTD cell is calculated from dissipated power density pd, extracted in that cell, and density of its filling material. The unit for SAR is [W/kg]. Please note that when converting dissipated power density to SAR, in case of FDTD cells filled with more than one medium, QW‑Simulator performs conformal averaging of density between materials filling a cell. Field components included in calculation of SAR picture shows the field components included in calculation of SAR, centred at the cell centre marked by the black cross.


The calculations of the SAR are somewhat different in QW-V2D than in QW-3D, due to its specificity. Similarly as in the case of dissipated power, SAR is calculated with respect to a ring volume. SAR in a particular FDTD ring is calculated from dissipated power density pd, extracted in that ring, and density of its filling material.


The meaning of ring in QW-V2D is as follows:




where dx, dy stand for the cell size in X and Y direction, respectively, and r is the radius of the ring associated with a middle of the cell along Y axis.


Field components included in calculation of SAR in the presented cell, centred at the cell centre marked by the black cross.


SAR= f (k,m,lExk,m-1,lExk-1,m,lEy, k,m,lEy, k,m,l-1Ex, k,m-1,l-1Ex, k-1,m,l-1Ey, k,m,l-1Ey, k-1,m-1,lEz, k,m-1,lEz, k-1,m,lEz, k-1,m-1,lHx, k,m-1,lHx, k-1,m-1,lHy, k-1,m,lHy, k,m,l-1Hz, k,m,lHz)


Note that k,m,l are the cell indexes.


In QuickWave, SAR values can be obtained as:


QuickWave offers also some advanced options for supressing SAR calculation.