1       Plane Wave - normal incidence

The aim of the training given below is to point out main properties and behaviour of the plane wave propagating in an isotropic medium and incident normally at the media boundaries.

All examples used here were prepared in free CAD QW-Modeller for QuickWave and the models preparation procedure are described. All examples considered herein are included in the QW-Modeller and QuickWave STUDENT Release installation as both, QW-Modeller and QW-Editor projects.


The following topics are included:


The models preparation procedure in QW-Modeller are described in the following chapters:

·       Project preparation ppw1 - a parallel plate transmission line filled with air, excited with a plane wave and terminated with a load port matched to the line.

·       Project preparation ppw5 - a parallel plate transmission line partially filled with air and concrete material, excited with a plane wave and terminated with a load port matched to the line.

·       Project preparation ppw7 - a parallel plate transmission line filled with air and a concrete material slab placed in the middle, excited with a plane wave and terminated with a load port matched to the line.