7       Object movements

Load rotation is the most popular temperature-equalising mechanism in domestic microwave oven. However, different types of load movements are also used in the engineering practice or experimented with in research. For example, linear translation is widespread in industrial tunnel installations. Moreover, a real-life scenario may contain several bodies moving differently, e.g., a turntable and a mode stirrer may rotate with different speeds and around different axes.

QW-BHM include both, rotation and translation mechanisms, of many items independently. The basic assumptions remain as in the earlier single object rotation regime:

·       Movement is facilitated in the xy-plane, either as rotation around an axis parallel to the z-axis or as translation along an arbitrary piece-wise linear trajectory in the xy-plane.

·       Translation is available also in xz-plane and yz-plane.

·       Each moving part may comprise lossless or lossy dielectric materials (Dielectric isotropic or Dielectric anisotropic in QW-Editor). PEC and Metallic rotation is allowed, however the user should account for possible simulation instabilities, which may result from strong field singularities at the metal boundaries that are not appropriately included in the calculations if the metal edges are not snapped to mesh lines (the singularity corrections models are off). Rotation of dispersive media (Dielectric dispersive, Metamaterial, Ferrite) is not supported.

·       Each moving part must be a separate object in the QW-Editor sense.

The Movement regime can be fully activated and configured in QW-Editor, which will be described in the following sections. To enable using those features also through the UDO script, three new UDO commands have been added in QW-Editor and one new task for driving QW-Simulator.

The UDO commands are actions selecting the objects to be moved, and defining their movement parameters. They are:


Clears all previously defined movements and their parameters.

MV_ROTA(<oname>, <Ox>, <Oy>, <rpm>);

Selects object oname for rotation with speed rpm (in rotations per minute) around the axis parallel to Oz and passing through point (x0, y0).


Selects object oname for translation. Consecutive positions must be specified in onmane.md3 file in the project directory. See Translation mechanism for details.

Note that the above commands define movement parameters but do not activate the movement. This is done by Movement check box of the Heating Details dialogue.

The new Modify_Media_Parameters_Rot_Ext task is automatically generated by QW-Editor in the Movement regime. It is an extension of Modify_Media_Parameters_Rot, generated in the Rotation (Single Object) regime. The new task allows choosing between rotation and translation, and defining movement parameters for more than one object.


This chapter contains the following topics:

·      Single object rotation as movement

·      Two rotating objects

·      Translation mechanism